You’re a cop. You’re a mom. You’re a spouse or significant other. You’re a compassionate friend…and you’re a woman.
You’re ALOT…and that can be complex, challenging and often overwhelming.
In this FREE Calibre Press Webinar, sponsored by Vector Solutions and presented during Women’s History Month, Calibre Instructors Cyndy Velasquez and Carole Widman will share personally lived, hard-earned insights on how to excel at meeting the challenges of being a female officer.
Among other things, Cyndy and Carole will share:
• Advice for surviving a “multiple identity” lifestyle: Turning your “cop switch” on and off without losing your mind.
• Strategies for maintaining (and even leveraging) your inherent feminine personality without compromising your tactical readiness and command presence on the street.
• Tips for staying physically healthy, mentally strong and emotionally balanced.
• Meeting the expectations of work and home: melding your personal and professional self.
• Living a well-rounded life: How to avoid being “swallowed” by the cop culture.
• How to avoid being “transactional” with your kids…and recognizing when you are.
• Navigating the challenges of being in a relationship with a civilian.
Important! This Webinar is NOT restricted to female officers. ALL officers of all ranks are invited. |