POST# 13929
This 8-hour Instructor Course allows successful graduates to teach end-users to properly deploy OC and to properly care for those exposed to the product.
In addition to covering how to deploy pepper spray, this course stresses under what circumstances pepper spray may be appropriately used as a force option, decontamination procedures, and the need to closely monitor individuals for adverse medical effects after exposure.
Topics Covered
• Legal aspects of OC deployment
• OC pepper spray containers & minimum deployment distances
• Common spray patterns and target areas
• Steps to reduce the possibility of Hydraulic Needling
• Acceptable decontamination solutions
• Documenting use of OC pepper spray
Successful Completion Requirements
Participants are required to pass a written exam with a score of 90% or better and demonstrate the ability to properly deploy inert training spray.
Notice to Students: All students in this course are exposed to OC as a requirement for instructor certification.
3 YEAR CERTIFICATION: Successful graduates of this course will receive a three-year instructor certification certificate along with a 4-hour end-user lesson plan and visual aids.
This program involves practical exercises. Students are required to actively participate in these exercises as part of their instructor-level training. Students should be in good physical condition for these classes in order to ensure successful completion of the courses. This course involves exposure to oleoresin capsicum as well as physical exercises. Students with physical conditions that may impair their ability to participate are responsible for contacting their physician for medical clearance prior to enrollment. Conditions requiring such consultation include but are not limited to high blood pressure, heart problems, and lung problems, to include bronchitis and asthma, or allergies. Individuals who have undergone any type of eye surgery in the past 12 months are not allowed to attend. The Missouri Sheriffs’ Association will not assume responsibility for students who do not seek medical consultation prior to course participation. Any student who is unable to participate in the exercises cannot complete this instructor level course.
Each student is to ensure they are physically capable of meeting the requirements of this course.
4 Hours Legal Studies
2 Hour Technical Studies
2 Hour Skill Development
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Clear safety glasses Clothing suitable for physical activity Change of clothes & towel for drying.
Contracted Agency: FREE (*$50 No Show Fee)
Non-Contracted Agency: $100.00 (*No Refunds For No Shows)
CLASS SIZE LIMIT: Class is limited to 16 attendees.
*No refund for class if not attended. 50% refund if canceled 48 hours before class starts.