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POST #21216

When it comes to officers policing their own, the old adage is, “An officer can recall in vivid detail exactly what a suspect did a year ago, but can’t remember what a fellow officer did yesterday.” This “Code of Silence,” as it is described is the practice of closing ranks behind each other, clamming up, and protecting their own. This makes the holding of bad cops responsible for their actions practically impossible. But no one likes a “tattletale”, right? In fact, we often teach our children from an early age not to tattle. But as one member of a minority community put it, “If they won’t snitch on each other they have no business asking us to do the same.”

This session examines reasons community members are reluctant to share information about crimes and contrasts those reasons with why cops are reluctant to share information about bad cops.

Topics Include:

Do cops really not like “tattling” and tattletales?
Why we punish “tattletales” and the impact on people coming forward.
The rationale for not report wrongdoing.
Breaking the Code of Silence.

POST Credit: 1.5 Hours Technical Studies


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