OC Pepper Spray Instructor Course & Re-Certification, Jefferson City

Missouri Sheriffs' Association 6605 Business 50 West, Jefferson City

This 8-hour Instructor Course allows successful graduates to teach end-users to properly deploy OC and to properly care for those exposed to the product. In addition to covering how to deploy pepper spray, this course stresses under what circumstances pepper spray may be appropriately used as a force option, decontamination procedures, and the need to closely monitor individuals for adverse medical effects after exposure.

Free – $100.00

Defensive Driving Instructor Course, Jefferson City

Missouri Sheriffs' Association 6605 Business 50 West, Jefferson City

This course is designed to train and qualify the students to teach the 24-hour driver training requirements in the 700-hour Basic Academy Curriculum. Students will also be qualified to teach the 8-hour CLEE class available to commissioned Missouri Peace Officers.

Free – $475.00
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