2603, 2025

You Think You Can Multitask? Think Again

March 26th, 2025|Categories: Calibre Press|

If you're like many, if not most, you're convinced that you're adept at handling more than one task, sometimes many tasks, all at once...and well. In this article, Dr. Alexis Artwohl explores important scientific research that proves humans are not built to fully focus on multiple things at the same time. Some are able to multitask to some degree, but trying to do so repeatedly, and believing that every [...]

2103, 2025

Just Stats: New report describes cases processed in the federal criminal justice system

March 21st, 2025|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics|

Federal Justice Statistics, 2023 NCJ Number 309946 Author(s) Mark A. Motivans, PhD, BJS Statistician Date Published: March 2025 Federal Justice Statistics Description This report provides national statistics on the federal response to crime for fiscal year 2023 and some statistics on changes over time. It describes case processing in the federal criminal justice system, including investigations by U.S. attorneys, prosecutions and declinations, convictions and acquittals, sentencing, probation and supervised [...]

1703, 2025

When should investigators watch video evidence? A novel approach in America’s heartland

March 17th, 2025|Categories: Body worn cameras|

The Omaha Police Department has adopted an approach where its interviewing investigators do not watch video evidence before interviewing officers involved in serious uses of force Originally published on the Force Science website. Republished here with permission. By Thomas McCarty Much ink has been spilled on the controversial question of whether involved officers should review video evidence before writing use-of-force reports or giving statements. The answer to that question requires [...]

1703, 2025

How law enforcement can detect and apprehend criminal drone pilots at large events

March 17th, 2025|Categories: Drones|

Drones are an escalating threat to stadiums, concerts and public gatherings — but law enforcement faces legal roadblocks. Here’s how multi-layered drone detection technology helps track, identify and stop bad actors. By Yaniv Mendelson and Robert Tabbara for Today, law enforcement is being increasingly tasked with protecting large, high-profile events from an emerging threat: drones. According to the Federal Aviation Administration’s ongoing UAS Sightings Report, over 400 sightings were [...]

1003, 2025

How supervisors can identify signs of officer fatigue

March 10th, 2025|Categories: Officer Wellness|

Fatigue can be hazardous for law enforcement officers who must always remain alert and focused on their duties By Jarrett Morris for   Police Officer Fatigue Pause Unmute Current Time 1:03 Duration 2:23 Loaded: 89.90% Quality Levels Fullscreen Across the country, mandatory overtime is common among law enforcement agencies. What is the impact of these extra work hours on the safety and well-being of police officers? Across the country, mandatory overtime is [...]

1003, 2025

AI police report writing ahead: Proceed with caution

March 10th, 2025|Categories: AI|

Faster police reports, less paperwork — but at what cost? The risks and rewards of AI in law enforcement. This article is based on research conducted as a part of the CA POST Command College. It is a futures study of a particular emerging issue of relevance to law enforcement. Its purpose is not to predict the future; rather, to project a variety of possible scenarios useful for planning [...]

603, 2025

MADD Invites Law Enforcement to Candlelight Vigil

March 6th, 2025|Categories: MADD|

MADD Missouri is honored to host our first statewide candlelight vigil, and we would like to extend a special invitation to our law enforcement partners to join us in support of victims and survivors. The vigil will take place on April 7th from 9 AM to 11 AM at the Missouri State Capitol Building. We have invited the governor, attorney general, Missouri State Highway Patrol, and key senators, legislators, and representatives who are sponsoring impaired [...]

603, 2025

Why Do Debriefings?

March 6th, 2025|Categories: Mental Health|

By Alexis Artwohl, Ph.D. [This article was originally published in The Tactical Edge, the professional publication of the National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA), and is reprinted with permission.] TRUE OR FALSE QUIZ Critical incidents are psychologically devastating and likely to cause post-traumatic stress disorder. In order to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), everyone involved should be debriefed. RESILIENCY The answer to the first question is false. Yes, critical incidents [...]

303, 2025

XIPHOS Timely Legal Advise

March 3rd, 2025|Categories: Courts|

In a democratic society (or a constitutional republic, if you prefer), the requirements of public safety must be carefully balanced with the protection of individual rights. Our law enforcement officers play a critical role in maintaining order, investigating crime and ensuring community well-being, but their actions are limited by legal safeguards designed to prevent government overreach. Excessive restrictions on law enforcement can hinder agencies’ and officers’ ability to respond [...]

2402, 2025

Message from Missouri’s 911 Service Board Executive Director

February 24th, 2025|Categories: Dispatch, Missouri 911 Service Board, Next Generation 911|

Message from the Executive Director Hello all! As I look back on 2024 as a whole, I reflect on many of the successes and challenges this year has been filled with. Throughout 2024 the 911 Service Board and staff have been managing as a priority the NG911 and GIS grant programs. Working through these grant processes have presented both excitement by brining much needed enhancements to Missouri’s 911 infrastructure [...]

2302, 2025

The Interview Game: Surviving the Media Circus When You’re in the Center Ring

February 23rd, 2025|Categories: Calibre Press, Media|

Tips from a Lieutenant Officers and media representatives are destined to share the same turf. It only makes sense for them to peacefully co-exist in such a way that they can each do their job with minimal aggravation and disruption from the other. If the relationship works properly, the tax-paying, newspaper-buying, television-watching public just might start to recognize officers for what they are: hard-working, dedicated professionals who have emotions, [...]

1702, 2025

Law Enforcement Today Shock report: The average time served in state prisons is 1.3 years

February 17th, 2025|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Jails, Legislation|

by: Leonard Sipes | Source: Law Enforcement Today Analysis Originally written for Crime in America. Republished with permission | Photo by by Emiliano Bar is licensed under Unsplash Critics of what some describe as over-incarceration may need to reevaluate their claims in light of updated data based on a January 2025 publication from the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the US Department of Justice. For example, today’s Marshall Project news summary states “More than 56,000 people are [...]

1602, 2025

Sheriffs Visit Capitol

February 16th, 2025|Categories: Legislation|

From Livingston County Sheriff Dustin Woelfle Daviess County Sheriff Larry Adams, Harrison County Sheriff Trevor Place, Mercer County Sheriff Jeffrey Spencer and I conducted a Capitol Walk (February 11) and spoke about many issues affecting our offices. Sheriff Adams and I sat in on a committee hearing on HB916 which deals with restraints being placed on pregnant offenders in their third trimester. We spoke with the Bill's sponsor, Representative [...]

1602, 2025

Ask Tung: How can young officers build confidence on the job?

February 16th, 2025|Categories: Police1, Training|

Hesitation, communication struggles and fear of looking inexperienced — here’s how to tackle these challenges head-on and build real confidence in the field. By Eric Tung for Editor’s Note: This is the sixth installment in our newest series, “Ask Tung,” featuring Commander Eric Tung. With 17 years of experience as a police officer in Washington State, Tung currently oversees patrol operations and his department’s wellness and peer support programs. In [...]

1102, 2025

Free Webinar: Surviving and THRIVING as a Female Office

February 11th, 2025|Categories: Calibre Press, Family Life, Officer Wellness, Women in Law Enforcement|

You’re a cop. You’re a mom. You’re a spouse or significant other. You’re a compassionate friend…and you’re a woman. You’re ALOT…and that can be complex, challenging and often overwhelming. In this FREE Calibre Press Webinar, sponsored by Vector Solutions and presented during Women’s History Month, Calibre Instructors Cyndy Velasquez and Carole Widman will share personally lived, hard-earned insights on how to excel at meeting the  challenges of being a female officer. Among [...]

1102, 2025

Five Essential Public Safety Leadership Skills

February 11th, 2025|Categories: Leadership, Lexipol|

From the Lexipol Team As the field of public safety continues changing at a breakneck speed, public safety leadership must change as well. The challenges faced by today’s fire service, EMS, corrections and law enforcement leaders are vastly different from those from even a decade ago. From navigating complex emergencies to fostering team resilience and accountability, modern leaders must be adaptable, emotionally intelligent and proactive in their approach to [...]

402, 2025

The National Police Association Endorses SOFA Act to Combat Fentanyl Crisis

February 4th, 2025|Categories: Legislation|

From the National Police Association /PRNewswire/ -- In the face of a relentless assault on our nation's well-being, the National Police Association (NPA) endorsed the Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues (SOFA) Act. This legislation, championed by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and his Senate colleagues, seeks to permanently classify fentanyl-related substances as Schedule I under the Controlled Substances Act, thereby equipping law enforcement with the necessary tools to combat the scourge [...]

402, 2025

Building Relationships, Sharing Concerns

February 4th, 2025|Categories: Community Partnerships, Legislation|

Zone 1 Missouri sheriffs made their presence known at the Missouri State Capitol today. Several sheriffs were able to meet with their local legislators - state representatives, and senators. "These meetings are an excellent way for us to share concerns from our citizens and provide our lawmakers an opportunity to hear our professional perspectives on state statutes," said Andrew County Sheriff Grant Gillett. "We had several good discussions today [...]

2801, 2025

Human Trafficking Prevalence Estimation Feasibility Study

January 28th, 2025|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Human Trafficking|

A New report released January 28, 2025 assesses methods of estimating prevalence of human trafficking in the U.S. BJS has released Human Trafficking Prevalence Estimation Feasibility Study. This third-party report presents findings from an environmental scan of international and domestic studies that estimate the size of the human trafficking victim population in the United States. It also summarizes panel discussions by subject matter experts, BJS and National Institute of [...]

2701, 2025

Police not liable for failure to intervene against counter-protesters

January 27th, 2025|Categories: Courts, Lexipol, Police1|

In Balogh v. Virginia, the court held police have no duty to intervene to protect protesters from third-party violence during a rally By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol reprinted by | Photo by Getty Images The court’s opinion begins: “Does the First Amendment protect speech amid violence? More specifically, does the First Amendment obligate police officers to protect the constitutional rights of protesters amid violence?” The opinion states an [...]

2701, 2025

Navigating the latest FAA drone regulation updates for public safety

January 27th, 2025|Categories: Drones, Police1|

Stay informed on FAA drone waivers and regulations transforming public safety operations, including DFR advancements and the latest BVLOS innovations By Charles Werner for | Photo - The Headquarters of the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington, DC by Skyhobo/Getty Images Drone regulations are evolving rapidly, with the FAA introducing new waivers and guidelines that expand the capabilities of public safety agencies. From Drone as First Responder (DFR) operations to [...]

2101, 2025

14 Administrative Guidelines for Officer-Involved Shootings

January 21st, 2025|Categories: Calibre Press|

By Dr. Roger Soloman for Calibre Press Dr. Roger Soloman is a former Calibre Press Street Survival Seminar instructor who has been a pioneer in Critical Incident trauma counseling for law enforcement personnel. Some time ago he shared 14 administrative guidelines for officer-involved shootings with Seminar students. They apply just as powerfully now as they did when first shared. “Extensive field experience has shown that applying these guidelines in a flexible manner reduces [...]

1301, 2025

Governor Kehoe Signs Six Executive Orders, Launches Safer Missouri Initiative

January 13th, 2025|Categories: Legislation, Office of Governor|

JANUARY 13, 2025 Jefferson City — Today, as his first official act in office, Governor Mike Kehoe took decisive action to prioritize public safety by signing six executive orders and officially launching his comprehensive Safer Missouri public safety initiative. Developed in close collaboration with law enforcement partners and representatives across all levels of law enforcement within the state, the Safer Missouri plan sets the stage for immediate and impactful action. The measures introduced today represent [...]

1201, 2025

What I wished I had known before, during and near the end of my police career

January 12th, 2025|Categories: Family Life, Retirement|

You are not going to change or save the world, but you will make a difference in the lives of individuals who need you at a moment’s notice By Randy Harris for It is 45 years since I started my law enforcement career in February 1979. In response to a recent question posed by the Police1 editors asking readers what they wished they had known before becoming a cop, [...]

1201, 2025

Words Matter — Carefully Describe the “Place to Be Searched”

January 12th, 2025|Categories: Lexipol|

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol United States v. Jackson, 2024 WL 4343486 (1st Cir. 2024) An investigator in Providence, Rhode Island, observed an electronic device using a specific IP address on a peer-to-peer file-sharing network. He saw the device had shared and downloaded files of child pornography on multiple occasions. The investigator determined the subscriber of the IP address was the bookkeeper for St. Mary’s Church. The investigator went to [...]

701, 2025

Stop the Shouting – and Cops Respond

January 7th, 2025|Categories: Calibre Press|

By George T. Williams for Calibre Press | Humans communicate using our voices. Our tone and volume help others interpret our intent and the meaning of words. Combining that with our physical posturing, gestures, and facial expressions, we generally can get our message across. Cops yell at people, especially in times of perceived danger or non-compliance. Often repetitively. Let’s agree there is a difference between raising one’s voice [...]

601, 2025

Vehicle Search Was Valid, but Why?

January 6th, 2025|Categories: Courts, Lexipol, Vehicle Searches|

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol United States v. Turner, 2024 WL 4964502 (4th Cir 2024) Robert Turner’s brother reported Turner had stolen his handgun, a black and gray Ruger Model SR45. The brother told the investigating officer, Officer David Flores, that Turner was involved with the Folk Nation street gang, which was currently at war with another criminal gang. Officer Flores discovered Turner was a convicted felon and obtained [...]

601, 2025

BJS: Statistics on human trafficking incidents and victimizations in 2022

January 6th, 2025|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Trafficking|

Now available: Access statistics on human trafficking incidents and victimizations in 2022 BJS has released Human Trafficking Incidents Reported by Law Enforcement, 2022 – Statistical Tables. This report analyzes the types of human trafficking (labor trafficking and sex trafficking) that occurred in 2022 and provides statistics on the number of incidents and victimizations by type, with breakdowns by sex, age, race, location, and weapon type. It also includes statistics that show incident clearance types, numbers of offenders per incident, numbers of [...]

601, 2025

The Police: Between a State Rock and a Constitutional Hard Place

January 6th, 2025|Categories: Calibre Press|

By Jim Glennon In my lifetime, and the 45 years of being in and around the law enforcement profession, I’ve never seen politics impact the general duties of cops as I’ve witnessed over the past 5-6 years. When police officers are sworn in at the very beginning of their careers, the main point of those oaths is that the officers swear that they understand they are legally, morally and [...]

401, 2025

The part of the job that changes you

January 4th, 2025|Categories: Mental Health, Stress Management|

How moral injury affects police officers Dr. Cherylynn Lee for American Police Beat n this profession, there are inevitable atrocities. Everything from the break room sink full of dishes (no, your mom does not work here) to calls for service where the victim’s teeth are falling out as they try to explain which way the subject ran. Perhaps you might feel irritated by your co-workers’ lack of respect for [...]

401, 2025

Missouri Public Safety Medals Nominations Open

January 4th, 2025|Categories: Awards|

The start of the new year means fire service and public safety agencies have two months left to nominate team members for outstanding, heroic efforts during 2024. The Missouri Department of Public Safety is accepting nominations for the Missouri Public Safety Medals, which will honor individual first responders, first responder teams and civilians for heroic acts performed in 2024. The awards are the Red, White and Blue Heart Award, Medal of [...]

401, 2025

Use municipal vehicles to protect pedestrians, increase event security

January 4th, 2025|Categories: Public Safety|

A sanitation truck, snow removal equipment or public works vehicle are moveable barriers that can harden mass gatherings from vehicle terror attacks and other threats By Greg Friese, MS, NRP for | Photo/Greg Friese I have distinct memories from the 2013 Boston Marathon finish line, the sight of a home-grown terrorist attack. My first memory is seeing a Boston EMS ambulance inside the secure area just after collecting my belongings. The [...]

1912, 2024

U.S. Sentencing Commission Seeks Comment On Proposals to Promote Public Safety, Simplify Federal Sentencing

December 19th, 2024|Categories: Courts|

Today, December 19, the bipartisan United States Sentencing Commission voted unanimously to publish proposed amendments to the federal sentencing guidelines for the amendment cycle ending May 1, 2025 (watch the meeting). These proposals stem from public input the Commission has received in recent years, including more than 1,200 pages of comments on what work the agency should prioritize this amendment cycle. Among today’s proposals are those that would: - create [...]

1812, 2024

Duty-driven deterioration: What it is and how to stop it

December 18th, 2024|Categories: Family Life, Officer Wellness, Stress Management|

Discover the key phases of burnout and how self-awareness can help you regain control By Chris Zamora for As first responders, we’re trained to focus on the mission, stay sharp and always push forward. However, we often fail to see how our commitment to public safety can grind us down over time. The warning signs of what I call duty-driven deterioration can be subtle, but if ignored, the [...]

1812, 2024

Overlooked Social Media Risk for Law Enforcement: Strava

December 18th, 2024|Categories: Lexipol, Safety|

By David Baker for Lexipol Social media has made connecting, sharing and engaging with people easier and faster than ever. If you’re in law enforcement, you know social media has also made it easier for others — including anti-police activists and members of the public — to gather details about you, your home and your family members. A French newspaper’s recent investigation into a popular fitness app helps illustrate how seemingly [...]

1812, 2024

Enhancing Recruiting and Retention: Employee Child Care for Law Enforcement Agencies

December 18th, 2024|Categories: Family Life, Lexipol|

By David Baker for Recruiting and retaining qualified employees continues to be a challenge for law enforcement agencies nationwide. We all know the reasons: The relentless public scrutiny, paychecks that lag behind inflation and shift schedules that wreak havoc on personal lives. Combine those factors with work-related stress and challenges for work-life balance and public safety isn’t exactly a soft sell for young people just entering the workforce. [...]

412, 2024

Redefining the Concept of Cover

December 4th, 2024|Categories: Active Threat Response, Training|

By Matthew Bloodgood and Lon Bartel for Calibre Press “The officer failed to use cover.” This statement, or variations of the theme, frequently appears in plaintiff and prosecution complaints filed against officers. For example, in an intermountain state, two officers were searching for a suicidal male who had assaulted his mother with a knife. The two officers did not locate the subject and returned to the residence to speak [...]

212, 2024

Video analysis can improve shooter performance

December 2nd, 2024|Categories: Training|

By Todd Fletcher for American Police Beat | Photo by Billy Etheredge, Potter County (TX) Sheriff’s Office aw enforcement officers are surrounded by video cameras. Body-worn cameras, dash cameras and surveillance cameras have changed the way we operate on a daily basis. These cameras provide more evidence for our investigations, document our public interactions and give us an opportunity to debrief our performance from call to call. However, it’s only [...]

212, 2024

Six steps to preventing a cuffed suspect from stealing a patrol vehicle

December 2nd, 2024|Categories: Training|

It seems like every week we hear of a squad car being stolen somewhere in the U.S. Follow these steps to make sure it doesn’t happen to your cruiser By Duane Wolfe for On June 20, members of the Colorado State Patrol, along with other agencies, attempted to assist in a vehicle pursuit. A vehicle that had been involved in causing numerous vehicle accidents fled from Otero County deputies. The [...]

212, 2024

Eight reasons to keep a law enforcement scrapbook

December 2nd, 2024|Categories: Officer Wellness|

After your career comes to a close, you will be able to open up the scrapbook years later and realize that George Bailey is not the only one who had a wonderful life. By Lt. Dan Marcou for Scrapbooks are tangible evidence that allows you to say, “I’ve been there and done that.” Here are eight reasons why you should keep a law enforcement scrapbook. 1. Scrapbooks back [...]

2011, 2024

AI in law enforcement: Cellebrite survey reveals opportunities, challenges and growing adoption

November 20th, 2024|Categories: AI|

A global survey of over 2,000 LE professionals highlights AI’s transformative impact on digital investigations, uncovering its potential to enhance efficiency and accuracy By Police 1 Staff | Photo by Khanchit Khirisutchalual/Getty Images In a comprehensive survey involving over 2,000 law enforcement professionals from 97 countries, Cellebrite’s 2025 Industry Trends Survey reveals the profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on digital investigations. The study underscores both the opportunities and challenges that [...]

2011, 2024

Reclaiming time: How officers and leaders can make space for wellness

November 20th, 2024|Categories: Fitness and Wellness|

With demanding schedules leaving officers with little time for wellness, one cop’s story shows how department leaders and officers can work together to prioritize time off and build healthier habits. Story by Jesse Cohen for | Photo by Miljan Živković/Getty Images/iStockphoto I’ve been told that I’m just a “Jiu-Jitsu bum” who happens to moonlight as a full-time cop. I can’t say I disagree with this description. I train Jiu-Jitsu [...]

1511, 2024

Five Corrections Policy Trends for 2025

November 15th, 2024|Categories: Jails, Lexipol, Policies & Procedures|

From the Lexipol Team In the constantly evolving field of corrections, several critical policy trends are emerging that will shape facility operations in 2025. Overall, these trends underscore the need for greater accountability and transparency, and the necessity of good policies and processes to support day-to-day workflows. For example, body-worn cameras (BWCs), while providing essential documentation, come with challenges related to cost and privacy concerns. Similarly, addressing the unique [...]

1511, 2024

Five ways to cope with the holiday blues

November 15th, 2024|Categories: Mental Health, Stress Management|

December can be extra stressful as you juggle working and spending time with your family; here are some tips to help you survive the holiday season By Amy Morgan, MSC, CFRC(D), TECC-LEO for  AP Photo/Mary Altaffer With jingle bells, twinkly lights and ho-ho-ho everywhere, pictures of the holidays make us think we should wake up every day feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. But this may not be how [...]

1511, 2024

How Law Enforcement Turns Technology into a Force Multiplier

November 15th, 2024|Categories: Technology|

Emerging technologies are allowing law enforcement to shift from reactive to proactive, intelligence-led policing, maximizing officers' efforts and improving operational efficiency. By Toni Rogers  for At some point, all police departments deal with a surge in crime. With resources and staff stretched thin, agencies are more frequently turning to technology to be a force multiplier. By implementing advanced data tools and digital systems, police departments can address crime [...]

711, 2024

Should Cops Be Required to Have a College Degree?

November 7th, 2024|Categories: Calibre Press, Education|

By Jim Glennon for Calibre Press Editor’s note: Recently on social media, the question was raised whether anyone looking to be hired as a police officer should be required to have a college degree. It’s an interesting question that Jim Glennon approached a year ago almost to the day. Departments continue to struggle to fill their ranks and, in many areas, police academy class sizes are stunningly low. Should [...]

611, 2024

Civil unrest preparedness for your law enforcement agency

November 6th, 2024|Categories: Civil Unrest|

Leadership plays a critical role at every stage of civil unrest preparedness — from planning to execution and recovery By Lexipol Content Development Team As incidents of civil unrest become more frequent and complex, law enforcement agencies face the challenge of adapting strategies to protect both their personnel and the public. Agencies must be prepared to address everything from policy development and interagency coordination to officer wellbeing and post-event [...]

611, 2024

The battle against misinformation and disinformation campaigns: Is your agency prepared?

November 6th, 2024|Categories: AI|

How AI-driven misinformation is challenging law enforcement and why forward-thinking leaders could establish units to counter the digital storm By Dr. Joseph J. Lestrange, Chief Jim Bueermann (ret.)  for | Arkadiusz Warguła/Getty Images/iStockphoto In today’s digital age, misinformation and disinformation on social media have become critical challenges, especially for law enforcement. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and platforms like ChatGPT, Co-Pilot and Gemini, it has become even easier for [...]

311, 2024

Active violence training gaps: Are you covering all critical response areas?

November 3rd, 2024|Categories: Active Threat Response, Training|

City of Hialeah Police Commander Orlando Salvat, right, and Sgt. Rolando Rios, left, rush to a simulated active shooting as instructor Vincent Torres, center, follows during a training session, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022, in Hialeah, Fla. The drill was part of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Gordon Center for Simulation & Innovation in Medical Education active shooter training where police and fire rescue personnel train together [...]

311, 2024

Coming to the door with a weapon: An approach to an armed homeowner for LE

November 3rd, 2024|Categories: Active Threat Response, Safety|

By Brian N. O’Donnell for  Photo by feri ferdinan/Getty Images It is rare to respond to a call at a residence and have an occupant come to the door holding a weapon. Sure, they come to the door bleeding, crying, angry, disheveled, drunk, curious, happy, reserved, distant, distracted, animated, frightened and more — but rarely do they come to the door carrying a firearm or a knife. When they [...]

3010, 2024

Ethical AI in law enforcement: Navigating the balance between innovation and responsibility

October 30th, 2024|Categories: AI|

Balancing the power of AI with ethical considerations is essential for its responsible use in law enforcement, ensuring both innovation and justice Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool for law enforcement but brings with it a host of ethical considerations that must be carefully navigated. Parradee Kietsirikul/Getty Images/iStockphoto Content provided by Cellebrite By Jared Barnhart for “Science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. Isaac Asimov, writer and biochemist [...]

2810, 2024

Naloxone’s lifesaving impact: 87% survival rate proves officers’ critical role in opioid crisis

October 28th, 2024|Categories: Drug Enforcement Administration|

At IACP 2024, experts detailed lessons learned from nearly 17,000 law enforcement Narcan administrations in New York State By Rob Lawrence for When we think about law enforcement, we often picture officers tackling crime head-on. But what is sometimes overlooked is their increasing role as first responders in life-and-death medical situations. At the IACP 2024 conference, the Police Physicians track put this responsibility front and center, focusing on [...]

2810, 2024

DEA Issues Warning About Illegal Online Pharmacies

October 28th, 2024|Categories: Drug Enforcement Administration|

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has seen an increase in illegal online pharmacies selling and shipping counterfeit pills made with fentanyl and methamphetamine to unsuspecting customers in the United States who believe they are purchasing real pharmaceutical drugs such as Oxycodone, Adderall, Xanax, and other drugs from legitimate pharmacies. As Americans increasingly turn to online pharmacies to purchase necessary medications, DEA is issuing this Public Safety Alert to warn [...]

2810, 2024

The desire to be great: What it takes to excel as a law enforcement officer

October 28th, 2024|Categories: Training|

From rookie to veteran, maintaining excellence in law enforcement requires commitment, resilience and the unwavering goal to be a great officer By Lt. Dan Marcou for In the past, as an instructor at academies, I would conduct a simple survey with each class of recruits. I asked them, “If I had a magic wand and could grant you one wish, what would you wish to be?” A bad [...]

2110, 2024

Addressing Crime through Innovative Technology

October 21st, 2024|Categories: Technology|

In this series, CNA studies the use of emerging technologies by law enforcement agencies. By Thomas E. Christoff, Shelby Hickman, Zoë Thorkildsen, Monique Jenkins, Jennifer Lafferty, Melissa Gutierrez, and Heleana Melendez This implementation guide includes a comprehensive literature review and discussion of various technology types and their real and potential uses by law enforcement agencies around the country. Case studies examine: The Chula Vista (California) Police Department’s program of [...]

1710, 2024

Pineville Woman Sentenced to Consecutive Life Sentences in Prison for Kidnapping, Murder of Pregnant Arkansas Woman and Unborn Child

October 17th, 2024|Categories: Courts, US Department of Justice|

Husband Pleads Guilty to Being an Accessory After the Fact - Photo from Law and Crime A Pineville, Mo., woman was sentenced in federal court on October 15 for the kidnapping and murder of a pregnant Arkansas woman and her victim’s unborn child. Amber Waterman, 44, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Stephen R. Bough to consecutive life sentences in federal prison without parole. On July 30, 2024, Amber [...]

1610, 2024

Leaders of Dangerous Mexican Drug Cartel Responsible for Extreme Violence Charged with International Drug Trafficking and Firearms Offenses

October 16th, 2024|Categories: Courts, US Department of Justice|

Note: View the fifth superseding indictment here. An indictment was unsealed in the District of Columbia charging leaders of the violent drug trafficking organization known as Los Zetas, and its successor organization, Cartel del Noreste (CDN), with engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise; drug trafficking conspiracy; firearms offenses; and international money laundering conspiracy. According to the indictment, Miguel Trevino Morales, 51, also known as Z-40, and his brother, Omar Trevino Morales, [...]

1610, 2024

Sheriffs seek ‘seat at the table’ with questionnaires to Harris, Trump campaigns

October 16th, 2024|Categories: Campaign, Public Safety|

by CORY SMITH | The National News Desk | National Sheriffs Association Both presidential campaigns have responded to questionnaires sent by the National Sheriffs' Association, seeking their positions on key law enforcement and public safety concerns. The National Sheriffs' Association asked the campaigns how they’d address mental health needs in jails, the challenges in handling youth crime, how they plan to attack the fentanyl crisis, and how they plan to secure our [...]

1610, 2024

In Missouri, Halloween night signs were required at homes of sex offenders. Until now

October 16th, 2024|Categories: Courts|

The Associated Press Shared from  Many states have laws designed to keep children away from convicted sexual offenders on Halloween night, such as curfews for those on offender registries and requirements to keep their porch lights off. But a Missouri law mandating a sign at the offender’s home was a step too far, a judge ruled. A 2008 law required registered offenders in Missouri to post signs on [...]

410, 2024

Department of Justice Releases Report on Police-Media Interactions During Mass Demonstrations

October 4th, 2024|Categories: US Department of Justice|

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) today announced the release of Police-Media Interactions During Mass Demonstrations, a new report that seeks to help law enforcement improve the response to demonstrations specifically through recommendations for police-media interactions. The report, produced by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) and the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), in collaboration with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (Reporters Committee), details how [...]

310, 2024

Induced or Predisposed: No Easy Answers When Child Predator Cries ‘Entrapment’

October 3rd, 2024|Categories: Lexipol|

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol United States v. Hanapel, 2024 WL 3750014 (8th Cir. 2024) If you’ve read Xiphos for a long time, you’ll know that I’m a serious biker. I’m on my seventh Harley-Davidson touring bike. I ride at least 20,000 miles each year and I attend the Sturgis Rally faithfully. I refer to it as the General Conference of the Church of the Holy Harley (I enjoy poking my pastor in [...]

310, 2024

Drug Trafficker Deflated When Drugs Were Found in Spare Tire

October 3rd, 2024|Categories: Lexipol|

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol United States v. Ruiz, 2024 WL 4194467 (10th Cir. 2024) Sergio Ruiz lived in Columbus, New Mexico, not far from a border crossing between the United States and Mexico. He drove over the border nearly every day. When he went across with a load of construction materials in his pickup truck bed, a Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officer diverted Ruiz to a secondary checkpoint to determine [...]

310, 2024

“Tactical Integrity” Continued. 11 Questions to Ask When You’re Holding a Gun

October 3rd, 2024|Categories: Calibre Press|

By George T. Williams In Part 1 of this two-part series, longtime training icon, George T. Williams, shared the foundational principles of a concept he coins as tactical integrity. “Tactical integrity can be defined as consciously synchronizing the application of safety principles and methods of the individual officer within the whole response to accomplish the task presented in the moment,” he explains. “It requires attention to detail under pressure, which, in [...]

2509, 2024

No New Ways to Get in Trouble: Why Public Safety Needs a Better “Learning Management System”

September 25th, 2024|Categories: Lexipol|

September 16, 2024 Gordon Graham here! Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings regarding the discipline of risk management. In my last article, I wrapped up my thoughts with a promise to talk about “learning management systems.” During my years in graduate school, I explored the writings of the geniuses of risk management. One of my favorites was Dr. Archand Zeller. His words meant so much to me [...]

2509, 2024

Calibre Expert Analysis of a Complex OIS: Officer Faces 48 Yrs. – 6 Others Charged

September 25th, 2024|Categories: Calibre Press, Use of Force|

Hosted by Calibre Press in partnership with Vector Solutions Live presentation: Thurs., Oct. 10 10AM - Noon Central ** NOTE: All registrants will receive a link to a recording within 5 business days of the live event. ========== In this highly anticipated webinar, Force Science Chief Consulting Officer Von Kliem—an attorney, former police officer, and leading expert in use-of-force law—and Calibre Press Director of Curriculum Jim Glennon will dissect one of the most complex officer-involved shooting cases to [...]

1709, 2024

Integrated report-writing systems and the future of police reporting

September 17th, 2024|Categories: AI|

Automating the process with AI will leave officers more time in their communities Agencies need to leverage emerging technology such as AI by integrating the existing platforms of data collection into a capable and trustworthy application that can create factual police reports. Urupong/Getty Images By Lieutenant Christian Dekker for It’s a beautiful morning in Metropolis, and Emily Sanchez, a police officer and single mother, is dressed in her [...]

1709, 2024

Justice Department Awards Over $600M to Hire Law Enforcement Officers, Keep Schools Safe, and Improve Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Services

September 17th, 2024|Categories: Grants, Officer Wellness, Schools, US Department of Justice|

The Justice Department’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) today announced that it has awarded over $600 million in grant funding to law enforcement agencies and stakeholders across the country. This funding will go to support a wide range of efforts, from hiring new law enforcement officers and keeping our schools safe, to expanding programs that support law enforcement mental health and wellness services and combating the [...]

1509, 2024

Cuffs on, cuffs off: Mastering the art of speedy handcuff application and removal

September 15th, 2024|Categories: Training|

By Lt. Dan Marcou for Nothing encourages resistance in a suspect who is considering resistance like an officer who fumbles with their handcuffs. Pros master the art of handcuff application and removal. Here are some considerations for your review. Emergency removal Officers must master the ability to remove handcuffs quickly when necessary. With the number of drug overdoses that officers are called to, you must be able to [...]

1509, 2024

5 Common Grant Application Mistakes

September 15th, 2024|Categories: Grants|

Billions of dollars are available in federal, state and local grant funding for public safety and local government each year. But the grants landscape is also intensely competitive. Thousands of agencies submit each year, only to be turned away. In part, that’s because agencies often commit “unforced errors” that jeopardize or even completely eliminate their chances for success. While there’s never a guarantee your agency will be funded, avoiding [...]

1509, 2024

Patrol rifle malfunctions are easier to fix than you thought: Part 2

September 15th, 2024|Categories: Training|

A properly maintained patrol rifle with good magazines and quality ammunition will rarely malfunction, which is exactly why you should set up malfunctions in training By Todd Fletcher for In Part 1 of this series, I addressed the most common patrol rifle malfunction, the failure to fire. In other words, the rifle goes “click” instead of “bang”. This is usually the result of the magazine not being fully seated [...]

909, 2024

New app available to serve first responders, military, and veterans and their families

September 9th, 2024|Categories: Community Partnerships, First Responder Apps|

Defenders Gateway App by is licensed under Defenders Gateway Little Patriots Embraced (LPE) is a nonprofit that was started to strengthen the lives of military children and their families. Now, the founder of LPE, Carol Watanabe, and her tech team has branched out to start the free Defenders Gateway app, meant to support first responders, military, veterans, and their families. Carol Watanabe has a background in business. She retired from a successful marketing [...]

909, 2024

Police 10 codes vs. plain language: The history and ongoing debate

September 9th, 2024|Categories: Dispatch|

In 2006, the U.S. federal government recommended that 10 codes should be discontinued in favor of everyday language. Photo by Mike Groll/AP 10 codes have been replaced bit by bit for 10 years, but reform is slow. So why are departments are holding on? By Megan Wells, Police1 Contributor for Police have used codes to communicate internal messages across public radio waves for more than 80 years. Where [...]

909, 2024

The collapse of America? Crime news is a top concern – here are the implications for the justice system

September 9th, 2024|Categories: Media|

By Leonard Sipes Source: Law Enforcement Today Analysis Originally written for Crime in America. Republished in Law Enforcement Today with permission. This article is based on new data from Pew on popular local news topics. Crime was the second most important local news topic (weather was first). The vast majority of news consumers were not satisfied with the coverage of crime. Law enforcement is trusted more than most institutions, [...]

3008, 2024

Instagram Video Leads to Frisk and Discovery

August 30th, 2024|Categories: Courts|

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol United States v. Brown, 2024 WL 3838738 (4th Cir. 2024) Detectives were monitoring the Instagram feed of a known gang member, J.S., and saw a video with J.S. and six other men brandishing firearms at an apartment complex early one morning at approximately 0500. The men were pointing handguns and rifles with extended magazines in the air, in random directions, and directly at the camera. The [...]

2908, 2024

Apply Now for the 2025 Destination Zero National Officer Safety and Wellness Awards

August 29th, 2024|Categories: Safety|

Apply Now for the 2025 Destination Zero National Officer Safety and Wellness Awards The 2025 Destination Zero National Officer Safety and Wellness Awards present a unique opportunity for law enforcement agencies and individual officers to gain national recognition for their dedication to the well-being and safety of their teams. By applying for this prestigious award, participants not only showcase their innovative programs and initiatives but also inspire others in [...]

2608, 2024

Research review: Gunfire spreads

August 26th, 2024|Categories: Training|

A recent study demonstrates that police officers are prone to firing their weapons when their colleagues do, emphasizing the need for contextualized firearms training. By J. Pete Blair, Ph.D. for This article was reprinted on with permission from Tactical Science Publication: DeCarlo J, Dlugolenski E, Myers D. (2024.) An experimental test of the contagious fire thesis in policing. Journal of Criminal Justice, 93, 102215. What was the issue? For some [...]

2608, 2024

The drone dilemma: Enhancing public safety amid emerging threats

August 26th, 2024|Categories: Drones|

The use of a drone by the shooter during the attempted Trump assassination presents a call to action to fully integrate drones and countermeasures into public safety agencies. Photo by Alex Brandon/AP Drones are extraordinary force multipliers that provide unique response and investigative tools for first responders. However, their increasing popularity and easy availability raises sobering security concerns. By Tony Hallett The attempted assassination of former President Trump in [...]

2608, 2024

It’s time for all law enforcement agencies to modify physical fitness training to meet the challenges of the vertical mile

August 26th, 2024|Categories: Fitness and Wellness, Officer Wellness, Training|

It’s time for all law enforcement agencies to modify physical fitness training to meet the challenges of the vertical mile. By Warren Keith Pickard for The majority of law enforcement training methodology is based on theory, meaning that if you try a particular theory-based technique or principle, it should yield a positive result. However, we know several critical aspects of training to be fact. One for certain is that in [...]

1508, 2024

Justice Department Issues Letter to State and Local Police Departments and Governments Explaining that Certain Housing Programs May Violate Federal Law

August 15th, 2024|Categories: Safety, US Department of Justice|

The Justice Department announced today (August 15) that it issued a letter to state and local police departments and governments about programs that may violate federal housing protections. The letter describes common features of these widespread programs, sometimes known as “crime-free” or “nuisance” programs, and cautions that they may be unlawful when they unfairly penalize communities of color, individuals with disabilities or survivors of domestic violence. Three and a [...]

1408, 2024

The role of officer wellness programs in liability reduction

August 14th, 2024|Categories: Fitness and Wellness, Officer Wellness|

The stigma officers once feared of being treated as a pariah because of a trip to the employee assistance counselor is hopefully a long-gone relic. However, the work is not complete. Getty Images Officer wellness goes beyond tending to mental and physical wellbeing — it is an integral part of operational functioning, just like firearms training, in-service classes and early warning systems By Terrence P. Dwyer, Esq. for [...]

1408, 2024

‘Robophobia:’ Law schools pivot to AI, experts say it will shape the future of law

August 14th, 2024|Categories: Technology|

By Kallie Cox for Missouri Lawyers Media  • Law schools, including those in Missouri, are already experimenting with AI tools in teaching.• AI’s potential pitfalls, such as academic integrity and bias, are key concerns for educators.• AI is expected to significantly impact legal practice, prompting a need for widespread understanding and adaptation. One of the first things the newly appointed dean of Washington University’s School of Law did when she [...]

1408, 2024

Join the 2024 Nationwide MEMORIAL RUN

August 14th, 2024|Categories: National Law Enforcement Memorial|

2024 Nationwide MEMORIAL RUN - Join us to support law enforcement! REGISTER The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Run is a great way to show your support for law enforcement, get active, and have some fun. It is a flagship community event that raises critical funds needed for our mission to honor the fallen, tell the story of American law enforcement, and make it safer for those who serve, [...]

908, 2024

Organization for retired police investigators helps public safety by solving cold cases

August 9th, 2024|Categories: Cold Cases|

Retired Investigators Guild by is licensed under Retired Investigators Guild Written by Jacob Immel for Law Enforcement Today  The Retired Investigators Guild is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping law enforcement agencies to keep our communities safe. They specialize in solving cold cases. On the website, their mission statement reads, “Restoring America’s faith in law enforcement and continuing the tireless pursuit of criminals in the interest of victims of violent crime.” The RIG's [...]

908, 2024

What Yusuf Dikec’s Olympic success can teach police officers

August 9th, 2024|Categories: Firearms, Training|

Turkish shooter Yusuf Dikec, right, during a time-out break at the 10m air pistol mixed team final, in Chateauroux, France, at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 30, 2024. The Turkish team won the silver medal. AP Photo/Manish Swarup The Turkish shooter’s remarkable performance in the 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team event at the Paris Olympics shows how competitive shooting enhances composure in high-stress situations. By Todd Fletcher for [...]

908, 2024

Combating organized retail theft with grant funding: Strategies and solutions

August 9th, 2024|Categories: Grants|

Organized retail theft has risen sharply in recent years, and federal and state grant initiatives can be crucial in combating this threat By Samantha Dorm for Organized retail theft — also known as organized retail crime (or ORC) — has seen a significant spike in the past several years, impacting communities nationwide. Unlike petty shoplifting, these crimes are orchestrated by criminal rings that steal large quantities of goods [...]

108, 2024

Asleep at the Wheel in the McDonald’s Drive-Through

August 1st, 2024|Categories: Courts|

By Ken Wallentine, Editor of Lexipol State v. Wiskowski, 2024 WL 3034325 (Wisc. 2024) How can anyone sleep through the noise and smells at a McDonald’s drive-through window? Michael Wiskowski did … at least, until a worker woke him. The worker also called the Plymouth (Wisconsin) Police Department. Just a minute after the call, an officer saw a truck matching the description provided by the McDonald’s worker pull out [...]

108, 2024

Is Your Personal Information Easily Found By Criminals?

August 1st, 2024|Categories: Safety, Technology|

In this week's Calibre Press newsletter, digital forensics consultant, private investigator and 25-year law enforcement veteran Pete James, founder of, shares tips on how you can protect yourself and your family from criminals who cull personal information from the Internet--including home addresses--and use that information to harass, dox and potentially more seriously harm officers. Think it can't happen to you? Pete will unfortunately prove you wrong. Here are [...]

2107, 2024

FBI’s 100 Years of Fingerprints and Criminal History Records

July 21st, 2024|Categories: FBI|

FBI celebrates an innovation milestone and looks to the future of biometric identification Pictured: The inside of "Machine Gun" Kelly’s Notorious Deceased file at CJIS in West Virginia includes his fingerprint card, photo, and fingerprints. Kelly, whose real name was George Kelly Barnes, was a gangster and kidnapper who reportedly said "Don't shoot, G-men" when he was arrested in Memphis in 1933. When someone sends the FBI a digital [...]

2107, 2024

A cautionary tale: The Karen Read trial and an investigator’s text messages

July 21st, 2024|Categories: Courts|

Trooper Michael Proctor’s suspension due to inappropriate text messages serves as a stark reminder that anything written can become public and impact a case By Terrence P. Dwyer, Esq. for The adage that three can keep a secret if two are dead, often attributed to Benjamin Franklin though its origins may go back further, presumes that a secret is often betrayed by those who are in on it. As [...]

2107, 2024

Overcoming funding challenges: how law enforcement can secure drone grants

July 21st, 2024|Categories: Drones, Grants|

Law enforcement faces major funding challenges for drones due to existing policies by key agencies like DOJ and FEMA By Samantha Dorm for The question, raised by House Speaker Mike Johnson to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, of whether drones were utilized during a recent event where former President Trump was shot in an assassination attempt, highlights a significant ongoing issue. Law enforcement agencies often face substantial funding challenges when attempting to secure grant [...]

1707, 2024

Understanding Firearms, Ammunition & Wound Ballistics

July 17th, 2024|Categories: Active Threat Response, Books, Firearms, Safety|

From Calibre Press | [Our 2-part series on preparing for encounters with the media will continue next week.] The following is a continuation of a series of excerpts from a book written by Dr. Martin Greenberg, an orthopedic surgeon who is also a police officer, SWAT operator and tactical medic. Dr. Greenberg’s mission is to give officers the information they need to understand and handle a wide variety of [...]

1407, 2024

Five things law enforcement need to know when responding to a drowning

July 14th, 2024|Categories: Safety|

Drownings can happen in any body of water, at any time of the year, anywhere in the country   July 13, 2024 08:23 AM • Kyle McCoy Watch 5 tips for drowning rescues During a routine patrol of a residential area in your beat, your dispatcher notifies you a child has been pulled from a pool and is not breathing. Fire and EMS are being dispatched but you are close [...]

1307, 2024

Media Alert! 10 Tips on How to Be Prepared for Reporters

July 13th, 2024|Categories: Media, Policies & Procedures|Tags: |

Media Alert! 10 Tips on How to Be Prepared for Reporters Part 1 of a 2-part series from Calibre Press | In this first installment, we’ll share the first 5 of 10 pieces of valuable advice law enforcement media consultant Penny Parrish shares for handing the media and avoiding behavior that can ultimately cause problems for you and your agency. Penny begins… At some time, every police officer [...]

607, 2024

SF Police testing device to detect fentanyl during arrests

July 6th, 2024|Categories: Drug Abuse|Tags: |

  S.F. police test first-ever device to detect fentanyl in saliva during public intoxication arrests Story By Megan Cassidy, Crime Reporter for San Francisco Chronicle Ryan Kao, director of the San Francisco Police Department's Crime Strategies Division, demonstrates how someone would use the drug testing kit for the Dräger DrugTest 5000 at the San Francisco Police Department headquarters. Photo by Minh Connors/The Chronicle A first-of-its-kind device that can detect [...]

607, 2024

Why Public Safety Personnel Should Vote

July 6th, 2024|Categories: Lexipol|Tags: |

This article by Gordon Graham for Lexipol was originally published on September 20, 2023 but it's just as pertinent today. Lexipol Editor’s note: This article is part of a series. Click here for the previous article. Gordon Graham here and this is the final writing in what has been almost six years of monthly articles focusing on the 10 Families of Risk. For those of you who have been following [...]

607, 2024

Rethinking Police Response to Barricade Situations

July 6th, 2024|Categories: Active Threat Response|Tags: |

By Calibre Press Instructor Chief Scott Hughes for Calibre Press A recent incident in Ogle County, Illinois, where three members of an emergency response team (including a tactical medic) were shot while responding to a barricaded individual threatening suicide and homicide, highlights the urgent need to reassess law enforcement’s approach to such situations. The team members were attempting to make entry after nearly three hours of failed negotiations with the [...]

107, 2024


July 1st, 2024|Categories: Recognition|Tags: |

NEW TO THE VAULT – SURVIVOR STORIES! In these new segments, Calibre Press sheds light on individuals whose bravery and resilience have been put to the ultimate test. They are the officers who have faced the harrowing reality of a deadly encounter and emerged with their lives intact. Their stories not only showcase the inherent risks of law enforcement but also underline the strength and determination of those who [...]

107, 2024

Home From the War

July 1st, 2024|Categories: Fitness and Wellness, Mental Health, Stress Management|Tags: |

By Steve Albrecht for Calibre Press | A partner of mine relayed the following story which reveals not so much about him, but rather the police profession: “I can’t believe how much I curse on this job! It seems like when I’m in a patrol car I can’t stop using profanity. My partner is the same way. We curse a blue streak on the job and yet at [...]

2506, 2024

PoliceOne: Crushing evil through AI technology

June 25th, 2024|Categories: Technology, Trafficking|Tags: |

Former-CIA agent starts non-profit to equip LEOs with real-time human trafficking intel — for free! By Christopher Littrell for DeliverFund has worked with over 500 law enforcement agencies across the country, by either providing training or operational support. On August 31, 1987, Ryan Vanluchene was playing near his home in Libby, Montana, when he was kidnapped, sexually assaulted and murdered by a repeat sex offender. The murderer had recently been paroled [...]

2506, 2024

PoliceOne: How teleoperated robotics will change patrol response

June 25th, 2024|Categories: Safety, Technology|Tags: |

As technology continues to advance, the integration of systems like Robot as First Responder will cause a fundamental transformation in policing. Photo/DALL-E This article (reprinted from is based on research conducted as a part of the CA POST Command College. It is a futures study of a particular emerging issue of relevance to law enforcement. Its purpose is not to predict the future; rather, to project a variety [...]

2506, 2024

Law Enforcement Today: Supreme Court makes landmark ruling on jury trials that could change everything

June 25th, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

By Matthew Holloway for Law Enforcement Today News In a landmark decision that could have profound repercussions for the American judicial system, the United States Supreme Court issued a 6-3 ruling penned by Justice Neil Gorsuch that juries rather than judges must decide the facts of a case, such as determining if a person is a habitual offender or other sentencing enhancements. As reported by Bloomberg Law, the case began with defendant [...]

2006, 2024

The Eyes Have It! Functional Field of View Differences Between Visual Search Behavior and Body-Worn Camera During a Use of Force Response in Active-Duty Police Officers

June 20th, 2024|Categories: Body worn cameras, Training|Tags: |

BY FORCE SCIENCE POLICE PRACTICE AND RESEARCH An International Journal Authors: Nicholas P. Murray, William Lewinski, Craig Allen, Gustavo Sandri Heidner, Michael W. Albin & Robert Horn Abstract: Although officer body-worn cameras (BWCs) have improved transparency of police interactions within the community, BWCs have a limited field of view, are subject to bias, and do not account for the factors that influence rapid decision-making by officers, including their visual attentional [...]

2006, 2024

Quick Change: Training for Fast and Effective Weapon Transitions

June 20th, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

By Lon Bartel and Matt Bloodgood for Calibre Press | Editor’s note: New research identifies the challenges officers face as they transition between firearms, electronic control devices, and other force options during high-stress encounters. VirTra principal researcher and Force Science partnering instructor, Lon Bartel, along with Force Science graduate, Matt Bloodgood, highlight the critical role of transition training to improve public safety in this week’s Calibre Press newsletter. When news [...]

1906, 2024

LEOSA Reform Act of 2024 (HR354) proposes major amendments

June 19th, 2024|Categories: Legislation|Tags: |

Twenty years after LEOSA was passed, the newly proposed LEOSA Reform Act of 2024 aims to expand the rights of qualified law enforcement officers and retirees By Dan Phillips for This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act (LEOSA), also commonly called “HR 218.” In its twenty-year existence, LEOSA has been amended to include military police and other federal officers and reduced the number of [...]

1106, 2024

Jails Report Series: Preliminary Data Release

June 11th, 2024|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Jails|Tags: |

From the Bureau of Justice Statistics NCJ Number 309039 Author(s) Zhen Zeng, PhD, BJS Statistician Date Published June 2024 Publication Series Preliminary Data Release, Jail Inmates Description This web-only report provides preliminary statistics on key items from the annual jail data collection. Statistics include the number of inmates held in local jails, by inmate demographics and conviction status; the number of admissions to jail; and jail incarceration rates, between 2013 [...]

606, 2024

Police recruits in high demand, job data shows

June 6th, 2024|Categories: Recruitment|Tags: |

New research shows law enforcement training is the top hard skill sought from candidates in job postings. By Breck Dumas FOXBusiness Qualified candidates looking to launch a career as a police officer in the U.S. are in a good position to land a job, data indicates. A recent analysis by ZipRecruiter found law enforcement training was the top hard skill employers are looking for in their next generation of talent, with more than 13,000 job [...]

606, 2024

Dialogue: Why It’s the Best Defensive Tactic

June 6th, 2024|Categories: Less lethal, Safety|Tags: |

Words can definitely be mightier than the sword, as long as you use them correctly and effectively. By Jim Klauba, Chicago Police Department (Ret.), ASP Trainer since 2011 for In law enforcement, fundamentals matter—and the most basic fundamental of all is dialogue. Verbal direction plays a role throughout the use of force continuum, from cooperative subjects to lethal scenarios. It is always used. Verbal direction can take the form [...]

506, 2024

Beware the “Hollywood 10”

June 5th, 2024|Categories: Safety|Tags: |

By Steve Albrecht for Here are 10 major tactical flaws you might commonly see during an average prime time cop show or in movies. See which ones you recognize and more importantly, which ones you may commit. 1. Gun pointed straight up while moving. During a tactical seminar I attended, a SWAT expert called this the “Sabrina Position” made famous by one of the characters on the police show [...]

406, 2024

Securing Opioid Settlement Funding Grants for your EMS Agency

June 4th, 2024|Categories: Drug Abuse, Lexipol|Tags: |

 By Corey Carlson for Lexipol Our nation’s opioid crisis continues unabated. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 107,941 Americans died by drug overdose in 2022 (the last year we have full reporting on). Of those, 81,806 involved opioids. Compare that to 70,630 deaths, fewer than 50,000 related to opioids, in 2019. It’s obvious this national health [...]

406, 2024

Dealing with Cameras at Emergency Incidents

June 4th, 2024|Categories: Lexipol, Training|Tags: |

From Gordon Graham with Lexipol Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Today’s Tip is for everyone in public safety. We’re going to talk about cameras as they relate to emergency incidents. As a public servant, you need to assume that you’re almost always on camera. These days, cameras are everywhere: In people’s houses, connected to their doorbells, and, of course, in their pockets. There are also commercial security [...]

306, 2024

Missouri Supreme Court hears challenge to MO-SORA where records closed

June 3rd, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

Correy E. Stephenson, Special To Missouri Lawyers Media The constitutional validity of the sex offender registry act was before the Missouri Supreme Court on May 14 in a case involving a defendant whose record has been closed. In 1997, John Doe pleaded guilty to sexual assault and deviate sexual assault, for which the circuit court suspended imposition of sentence and placed him on probation for five years. Doe began [...]

106, 2024

Here are 10 things you need to know about body armor

June 1st, 2024|Categories: Safety|Tags: |

By Eddie Molina for Law Enforcement Today Police officers across the country don their body armor just like any other piece of issued equipment. But too many officers don’t truly understand the fine details of body armor. Such as: Is it properly fit? How long will it last before it loses its effectiveness? How should I properly maintain it? If you’re a police officer, don’t rely solely on your [...]

3005, 2024

Officer-Created Danger Theory Lives On

May 30th, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol Flores v. Henderson, 2024 WL 2141769 (10th Cir. 2024) Shamikle Jackson called 911 stating that two people were dead inside an apartment and he was holding others hostage. Jackson claimed it was a “life-threatening emergency” that was “happening now.” He said he was armed with a machete, his victims needed medical attention, and his hostages were tied up and “very much” in danger. When officers [...]

2905, 2024

10 Myths About Knives and Knife Defense

May 29th, 2024|Categories: Safety|Tags: |

By Joe Truncale for Calibre Press 1. Myth: A small knife is not dangerous. It is amazing the damage even a small 2-inch blade can do to human flesh. A small knife can be hidden easily and can penetrate an artery before the victim realizes what has happened. A small knife can be manipulated in the hand with ease and be used in a wide variety of ways by an [...]

2805, 2024

Chatbots: The next technology revolution in 911 dispatch centers

May 28th, 2024|Categories: Dispatch|Tags: |

They’ll soon prove a valuable ally against staff shortages and call surges. hirun/Getty Images/iStockphoto This article is based on research conducted as a part of the CA POST Command College. It is a futures study of a particular emerging issue of relevance to law enforcement. Its purpose is not to predict the future; rather, to project a variety of possible scenarios useful for planning and action in anticipation of [...]

2805, 2024

Traveling with your concealed carry firearm: What you need to know before leaving home

May 28th, 2024|Categories: Firearms|Tags: |

Whether you are traveling by plane, train or automobile, planning ahead is key to a hassle-free trip when traveling with a concealed carry firearm. By Dan Phillips for If you travel out of your home state, chances are you’ll want to bring your firearm. You may drive, fly, or ride the train. Do your homework and look at the local gun laws when you do your trip planning. Different [...]

2305, 2024

Law enforcement officers face cumulative PTSD

May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Mental Health, Officer Wellness|Tags: |

Unlike a physical injury, a mental traumatic injury can happen almost daily By Michelle Beshears, Faculty Member, Criminal Justice at American Military University Reprinted from Even with all we know about its effects and ways to treat it, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common among police officers and continues to take its toll on their lives and those of their families. Most of what people think of as PTSD relates to [...]

2305, 2024

Missouri 911 Service Board PSAP Survey

May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Grants|Tags: |

Are you interested in more funding opportunities for your PSAP? Do you like the idea of Missouri receiving more federal funds to support 911 efforts at local and state levels? Do you enjoy a good pizza? ' If you answered yes to any of these questions, DO WE have a SURVEY for YOU! It’s that time of year again! We know you’ve been anxiously anticipating receiving your yearly 911 survey! We know it’s [...]

2305, 2024

Survival Advice for Handling Subjects in Custody

May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

Cuffing, searching and transporting in-custody subjects rank among the most common--and dangerous--things officers do. Unwavering dedication to remembering and diligently following proper procedures, protocols and tactics is an absolute must when it comes to officer survival. Here are some crucial reminders, shared by a Colorado Lieutenant, that can quite literally save your life. The following advice, shared by a Lieutenant in Colorado several years ago, was reprinted with permission [...]

1705, 2024

Time Running Out to Submit Annual AG Award for Distinguished Service in Community Policing

May 17th, 2024|Categories: Awards|Tags: |

The nomination period for the award will close at 8 PM ET on Monday, May 20. As a reminder, the Seventh Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Community Policing recognizes individual state, local, territorial, or Tribal sworn rank-and-file police officers, deputies and troopers for exceptional efforts in effective policing. The winning officer(s), deputy/deputies, or trooper(s) will have demonstrated active exceptional performance in one of three areas: Innovations in Community Policing [...]

1505, 2024

US traffic deaths fell 3.6% in 2023, but nearly 41,000 people died

May 15th, 2024|Categories: Traffic Safety|Tags: |

In this aerial photo, responders are seen near wreckage in the aftermath of a fatal, multi-vehicle pileup on I-55 in Manchac, La., Oct. 23, 2023. The National HIghway Traffic Safety Administration will release its estimate of traffic deaths for 2023 on Monday, April 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File) From Associated Press News U.S. traffic deaths fell 3.6% last year, but still, almost 41,000 people were killed on the [...]

1505, 2024

Surviving Injuries in the Field: What a Tac Doc Needs You to Know

May 15th, 2024|Categories: First Aid, Officer Wellness|Tags: |

On National Peace Officers Memorial Day--and every day--we honor the memories of those officers who lost their lives while upholding their oath to protect their communities and the country. We also remember the loved ones and friends they left behind. May they know we share in their suffering. God bless those officers who gave the ultimate sacrifice. From Calibre Press | Being trained and prepared to immediately respond [...]

1205, 2024

Top 5 Things to Look for in a Public Safety Wellness App

May 12th, 2024|Categories: Lexipol, Officer Wellness|Tags: |

Top 5 Things to Look for in a Public Safety Wellness App by the Lexipol Team First responders perform critical functions in society, diligently serving to help protect their communities by maintaining public safety. However, the demanding and often traumatic nature of this work can take a toll on the physical and mental well-being of those who perform it. As public safety agencies began realizing how important it is [...]

1205, 2024

Creating a Positive Public Image in Law Enforcement

May 12th, 2024|Categories: Lexipol|Tags: |

From Gordon Graham at Lexipo Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Today’s Tip is for all my law enforcement friends.   How would you feel if your conduct was displayed on a billboard for the world to see? As a peace officer, you’re always in the spotlight. It’s vitally important that you conduct yourself in a manner that reflects positively. Not just on your agency, but on the profession. Think about it this way: How would [...]

1205, 2024

Senators urge DOT to advance impaired driving rulemaking

May 12th, 2024|Categories: Courts, Safety, Traffic Safety|Tags: |

From U.S. Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) are urging the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to move forward with rulemaking on impaired driving. The Senators asked Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to use the rulemaking process to implement the Reduced Impaired Driving for Everyone (RIDE) Act. The legislation was part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law pass in November 2021. The senators said it requires [...]

605, 2024

10-Hour Shifts in Law Enforcement: 5 Considerations

May 6th, 2024|Categories: Fitness and Wellness|Tags: |

From Lexipol - A review of the research into the safety and effectiveness of various common shift regimens There are more than 18,000 federal, state, county and local law enforcement agencies in the U.S., according to the Department of Justice. Yet there is no standard for duration for shift scheduling: Officers commonly work 8-, 10- or 12-hour shifts, depending on agency protocol. While 12-hour shifts provide personnel with more opportunity to [...]

105, 2024

It’s National Mental Health Awareness Month – are you talking about this?

May 1st, 2024|Categories: Mental Health|Tags: |

Today - May 1 - is the start of National Mental Health Awareness Month. It's a great time to get your team to begin talking about mental health. And it's a great time to use some of the free resources made available to us from organizations like the National Institute of Mental Health. They posted this infographic to help us help someone dealing with emotional pain: How can you [...]

105, 2024

Xiphos: Timely Legal Analysis From Lexipol

May 1st, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

Xiphos (KSEE-fohss) a doubled-edged, one-handed sword used by ancient Greeks. Xiphos is Lexipol's monthly legal newsletter, providing insight and analysis on topical legal cases from Ken Wallentine, Legal Advisor. Subscriptions are free for public safety officers, educators and public attorneys. From the author ~ I don’t get much mail from readers, though I am always happy to hear about great motorcycle roads, awesome pie shops and quirky roadside attractions. [...]

2904, 2024

Rethink Law Enforcement Recruiting

April 29th, 2024|Categories: Hiring|Tags: |

Recruitment strategies and efforts for police and law enforcement agencies need to be closely scrutinized and adjusted to fit into today’s volatile job markets. By William L. Harvey for I keep hearing alarming statements wherever I go regarding today’s law enforcement recruitment efforts. Most are tales of doom and gloom, with little to no hope in sight. Your recruitment strategies and efforts need to be closely scrutinized and [...]

2504, 2024

Senator Brown’s Bill to Crack Down on Fentanyl Traffickers Heads to the President’s Desk

April 25th, 2024|Categories: Legislation|Tags: |

The U.S. Senate today passed U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown’s (D-OH) legislation to crack down on fentanyl traffickers in Mexico and China in an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote. The bill, which is part of the bipartisan national security package, is now headed to the President’s desk where it will be signed into law, finally taking action to expand sanctions to illicit fentanyl traffickers in Mexico and the creators of precursor chemicals [...]

2204, 2024

State your case: Should off-duty police officers be permitted to use marijuana in legalized states?

April 22nd, 2024|Categories: Marijuana|Tags: |

The ramifications of marijuana legislation on police departments and their hiring processes By James Dudley, Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. for Police1 The debate around marijuana legalization is intensifying, especially in the context of law enforcement recruitment. With California’s AB 2188 and SB 700 marking a significant shift in employment discrimination laws regarding cannabis use, the issue has become a hotbed for discussion. In those states where marijuana is legalized, should police officers be [...]

2204, 2024

Appeals Court: Using detainee’s fingerprint to unlock phone not a Fifth Amendment violation

April 22nd, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

Payne argued that using biometrics is akin to providing a physical key to a safe but still a testimonial act because it confirms ownership and authentication of the phone’s contents, according to the report. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit dismissed this, stating, “Payne was never compelled to acknowledge the existence of any incriminating information. He merely had to provide access to a source of potential [...]

1804, 2024

9 Things a Cop Should Consider Every Day

April 18th, 2024|Categories: Officer Wellness, Safety, Stress Management|Tags: |

By Lance LoRusso for Calibre Press Today we begin a list of simple but powerful pieces of advice we should all remember, shared by a veteran officer from a large west coast agency. He begins… 1. Be safe. Quite a revelation, you say? But that thought is the foundation of all of our training—to be safe out there in the field. But how often do we consciously THINK about it? [...]

1704, 2024

Missouri 911 Service Board Announces New Grant Awards, Expansions of 911 Services to 65 Counties

April 17th, 2024|Categories: Grants, Next Generation 911|Tags: |

Missouri 911 Service Board Announces New Grant Awards, Expansions of 911 Services to 65 Counties since Award Cycle Began- New Investments Include Major Expansions in the Last Missouri Counties where Callers Can’t be Located when Calling 911. Governor Mike Parson: “We are proud to have all Missourians on track to receive the modern 911 services they deserve and expect. These projects will provide lifesaving services to citizens and travelers [...]

1504, 2024


April 15th, 2024|Categories: Grants|Tags: |

Governor Mike Parson announced that the Missouri Department of Public Safety has approved 70 grants totaling $5 million to law enforcement, fire service, and EMS providers in class three counties across the state for new equipment to allow first responders to better respond to emergencies and provide additional protection as they do their jobs. Grant funded equipment includes patrol vehicles, mobile data terminals, body cameras, firefighter turnout gear, extrication [...]

1504, 2024

Grant Applications: Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid

April 15th, 2024|Categories: Grants|Tags: |

From the Lexipol Team In public safety, where the demand for resources often outpaces budgets, public- and private-sector grants have become an important way of funding a variety of initiatives. Police departments, sheriffs’ offices, fire departments, emergency medical services (EMS) and corrections agencies all face the daunting challenge of maintaining operational efficiency with static or even shrinking budgets. Grants — whether federal, state or private — provide essential financial [...]

1204, 2024

Time to Submit Nominations for Distinguished Service in Community Policing Award

April 12th, 2024|Categories: Awards, US Department of Justice|Tags: |

The Department of Justice has launched the Seventh Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Community Policing. This award recognizes individual state, local, or tribal sworn, rank-and-file police officers, deputies, and troopers for exceptional efforts in innovations in community policing, criminal investigations, and field operations that have proven effective in enforcing our laws. The Department is requesting nominations for the Seventh Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in [...]

1104, 2024

COPS Hiring Program Funding Opportunities Open

April 11th, 2024|Categories: Grants, Hiring|Tags: |

The 2024 COPS Hiring Program is a competitive grant program designed to provide funds directly to law enforcement agencies to hire new or rehire existing career law enforcement officers to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. Anticipated outcomes of the CHP program awards include engagement in planned community partnerships, implementation of projects to analyze and assess problems, implementation of changes to personnel and agency management in [...]

1004, 2024

Pre-Contact Assessments & the 10 Laws of Defensive Tactics

April 10th, 2024|Categories: Courts, Training|Tags: |

By Ron Martinelli, Ph.D. for Calibre Press ========== Editor’s note: In an article shared with Street Survival Seminar attendees, longtime trainer and use-of-force expert Dr. Ron Martinelli explains what he calls his 10 Laws of Defensive Tactics. After reading Ron’s sage advice, feel free to e-mail your own advice for fellow officers to: We may share them in an upcoming newsletter. Here’s Ron: ========== In researching incidents of officer-directed violence during the last 15 [...]

904, 2024

Court rulings sound alarm on confidentiality in peer support group interventions

April 9th, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

CISDs help responders deal with on-the-job trauma; recent cases put peer support group counseling confidentiality in doubt By Emily Hitchings from Each day, across the United States, first responders risk their own safety for the welfare of the communities they serve. In addition to bodily harm, public safety employees are also exposed to both acute and cumulative trauma, making them vulnerable to developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), moral injury and [...]

904, 2024

U.S. House bill would create national auto theft crime fighting network

April 9th, 2024|Categories: Legislation|Tags: |

In photo U.S Rep. Josh Gottheimer and State Police officials look at real time car theft information being shared by New Jersey police departments in Newark, one of three State Police Real Time Crime information centers in the state on Friday, His bill would replicate this center nationally and create a national car theft bureau in the Department of Justice. The bill would provide for information sharing and dissemination, [...]

304, 2024

Search of Detached Garage Permissible When Warrant Described Only the House?

April 3rd, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol  United States v. Ronquillo, 2024 WL 972215 (10th Cir. 2024) After receiving a tip from a confidential informant (CI) about drug sales from a residence, investigators watched the house and saw multiple persons enter the residence, stay for a few minutes, then leave. The CI made two separate controlled buys of methamphetamine from a person in the residence. Citing the controlled buys and surveillance, investigators obtained a [...]

304, 2024

The Police Officer’s Companion: Pain & Grief

April 3rd, 2024|Categories: Mental Health, Stress Management|Tags: |

Reprinted from Calibre Press Training Network By Steve Albrecht The uncomfortable truth about this job is that a highly traumatic event can appear before you during the first hour of your first day in the field. And while you may have been able to successfully cope with the first one, the tenth one, or the hundredth bad scene, as the numbers get higher, your internal defense mechanisms can begin [...]

304, 2024

“Non-Lethal” Force & Subject Deaths: Setting the Record Straight.

April 3rd, 2024|Categories: Use of Force|Tags: |

Reprinted from Calibre Press Training Network Just days ago, a PBS NewsHour segment claimed that more than 1,000 people died between 2012 and 2021 “after police used physical force that is considered non-lethal.” The piece cited batons, CEWs, physical restraint techniques and chemical agents as the “non-lethal” elements involved. “The death of George Floyd, which sparked a national reckoning over policing resulted from a police technique that is considered non-lethal,” the [...]

2503, 2024

Nominations Open for Distinguished Service in Community Policing Award

March 25th, 2024|Categories: Awards, US Department of Justice|Tags: |

The Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in community policing in the category of “Field Operations for an agency serving over 250,000 residents” was awarded to both Deputy Tanya Garcia and Deputy Esteban Hernandez with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, Texas. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland today announced the Justice Department is now accepting nominations for the Seventh Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Community Policing. These [...]

2403, 2024

Emerging Tech and Law Enforcement: Forensic Genetic Genealogy

March 24th, 2024|Categories: Technology|Tags: |

By Prathi Chowdri for Lexipol Forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) Forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) is a valuable tool for law enforcement — one that requires multiple disciplines (genetics, genealogy and traditional investigations) to leverage. Also known as investigative genetic genealogy (IGG), FGG involves searching genetic genealogy databases for clues to the source of an unknown DNA sample, with the goal of identifying or eliminating potential criminal suspects or identifying human remains. [...]

2403, 2024

The role posture plays in officer strength, stress resiliency, blood pressure and shooting accuracy

March 24th, 2024|Categories: Fitness and Wellness|Tags: |

Your posture can mean the difference between optimized performance and physical resilience or constantly battling aches, pains and stress From You’re probably thinking, “Not another article reminding me to sit up straight.” Actually, this one’s about something different. This article is about the role your brain, eyes, feet and overall neurology play in your posture and how this can potentially alter your energy expenditure at rest, blood pressure, [...]

2403, 2024

10-Hour Shifts in Law Enforcement: 5 Considerations

March 24th, 2024|Categories: Fitness and Wellness|Tags: |

From Lexipol: A review of the research into the safety and effectiveness of various common shift regimens There are more than 18,000 federal, state, county and local law enforcement agencies in the U.S., according to the Department of Justice. Yet there is no standard for duration for shift scheduling: Officers commonly work 8-, 10- or 12-hour shifts, depending on agency protocol. While 12-hour shifts provide personnel with more opportunity to rest [...]

1803, 2024

Public comments requested on the Survey of Inmates in Local Jails

March 18th, 2024|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Jails|Tags: |

BJS encourages comments for 60 days through May 13, 2024, on the Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ). Your comments on BJS’s request to the Office of Management and Budget, which is published in the Federal Register, should respond to one or more of the following: Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of BJS, including whether the information will [...]

1403, 2024

Talking Tactics: “Take your hands out of your pockets…” Readers respond.

March 14th, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

Last week, Calibre Press instructor Lt. Kelly DeVoll (ret.) explored whether ordering a suspect with their hands in their pockets to remove those hands was tactically sound or a serious risk to officer safety. (Read the article here) Readers responded with split opinions. Here’s some of what we heard… Chief Chad Duncan with the Tremont City (OH) Police Department writes: That was an excellent article. Hands in the pocket [...]

1403, 2024

AI is set to revolutionize policing: Are we ready?

March 14th, 2024|Categories: Technology|Tags: |

Surveillance towers, real-time digital fingerprinting and autonomous patrol cars are just a few examples of the tech-driven revolution in law enforcement By Paul Goldenberg, Michael Gips Police ranks are depleted. Tenured officers have left in droves. Qualified recruits are hard to come by. Budgets are slashed. Criminals have gone high tech. Can artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies fill the void? Consider the following. In Chihuahua, Mexico, a massive tower [...]

1403, 2024

Betrayal Trauma in Public Safety

March 14th, 2024|Categories: Leadership, Training|Tags: |

By Gordon Graham for Lexipol Today’s Tip is for everyone in public safety, and it’s about something called “betrayal trauma.” Please invest the time and attention in problems your employees share with you. Listen carefully. Acknowledge their concerns. Over my five decades in public safety, I’ve attended many academy graduation ceremonies. During these events, it’s common for the chief to welcome new recruits with words like, “You now have two [...]

1203, 2024

Video: Have a backup plan for your manipulation skills

March 12th, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

From  Video: Have a backup plan for your manipulation skills In this video tactical tip, Police1 Contributor Duane Wolfe demonstrates how you can transition from one technique to another when a subject is resisting By Duane Wolfe Tactical tips: Manipulation backup plan by Duane Wolfe Play Video In this Tactical Tips police training video, Duane Wolfe and Lee Shaykhet, emphasize the importance of regular practice in armbar takedowns for [...]

1203, 2024

What Cops Want in 2024: The state of officer wellness

March 12th, 2024|Categories: Officer Wellness, Survey|Tags: |

From Share your insights! What Cops Want in 2024 survey is now open! Police1’s newest state-of-the-industry survey focuses on the critical issue of officer wellness Officer wellness has emerged as a pivotal focus for law enforcement in recent years. Operational challenges within agencies, including short staffing and increased demands, have directly contributed to a significant toll on individual officers: heightened stress levels, mental wellness issues and burnout are [...]

1203, 2024

Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities Comments Requested

March 12th, 2024|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Jails, Survey|Tags: |

Public comments requested on the reinstatement, with change, of BJS data collection: Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities   BJS encourages comments for 60 days through May 10, 2024, on the Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities. Your comments on BJS’s request to the Office of Management and Budget, which is published in the Federal Register, should respond to one or more of the following: Evaluate [...]

503, 2024

“Take your hands out of your pockets…”

March 5th, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

By Lt. Kelly DeVoll (ret.), Calibre Press Instructor “Hands kill!”  This mantra has been repeated time and time again in the law enforcement industry.  Many times, this statement has been made when the conversation is broached about why we tell someone to take their hands out of their pockets.  When someone we are in contact with puts their hands in their pockets we almost instinctively and with little thought [...]

403, 2024

Bureau of Justice Statistics School Crime Survey

March 4th, 2024|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Schools, Survey|Tags: |

School Crime Supplement (SCS) Frequency: Periodically since 1989 Latest Data Available: 2022 Data Experts: Alexandra Thompson, BJS Statistician Collection Period: Currently every 2 years, collected in the following years: 1989, 1995, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 Description: Cosponsored by the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is administered every [...]

203, 2024

Drug Enforcement Administration arrests for fentanyl surpass arrests for heroin for first time

March 2nd, 2024|Categories: Drug Enforcement Administration, US Department of Justice|Tags: |

Drug Enforcement Administration arrests for fentanyl surpass arrests for heroin for first time Arrests by the Drug Enforcement Administration for fentanyl offenses exceeded those for heroin offenses for the first time in fiscal year 2021, according to a new Bureau of Justice Statistics report, Heroin, Fentanyl, and Other Opioid Offenses in Federal Courts, 2021. During FY 2021, the DEA made 3,138 arrests for fentanyl, 2,591 arrests for heroin and [...]

103, 2024

Is Prison Really the Key to Combating Crime? Here’s What Cops Think.

March 1st, 2024|Categories: Jails|Tags: |

FROM CALIBRE PRESS Jim Glennon’s recent commentary, “Putting Criminals Behind Bars Just Doesn’t Work.” Is That Viewpoint True at All? drew heavy feedback from law enforcement officers across the country. Here’s some of what we heard: Det. Nik Havert with the Nappanee (IN) PD: According to the preliminary data release for 2022 from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (U.S. Dept. of Justice), “The U.S. prison population was 1,230,100 on [...]

103, 2024

Federal Law Enforcement -Informer – Eighth District

March 1st, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

A MONTHLY LEGAL RESOURCE AND COMMENTARY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND AGENTS Eighth Circuit United States v. Ralston: Whether the requirements of the “Leon Good Faith” exception were meet where officers executed a search warrant on the suspect’s property, and also that of a nearby neighbor Eight Circuit United States v. Ralston, No. 22-3352 (8th Cir. 2023) In this case the United States Court of Appeals for the Eight [...]

2802, 2024

Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act Program

February 28th, 2024|Categories: Fitness and Wellness, Mental Health|Tags: |

The 2024 Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act program is a competitive grant program that provides funding to improve the delivery of and access to mental health and wellness services for law enforcement.  The 2024 LEMHWA program will fund projects that develop knowledge, increase awareness of effective mental health and wellness strategies, increase the skills and abilities of law enforcement, and increase the number of law enforcement agencies [...]

2702, 2024

DEA Issues Letter to E-Commerce Companies on the Sale of Pill Presses Used to Make Fentanyl Pills

February 27th, 2024|Categories: Drug Enforcement Administration|Tags: |

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration today issued a letter to e-commerce companies regarding the sale of pill presses.  As regulated entities under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), e-commerce platforms are generally required to comply with CSA recordkeeping, identification, and reporting requirements on the distribution, importation, and exportation of pill press machines. The United States is in the midst of an unprecedented drug poisoning epidemic.  In 2022, approximately 110,757 Americans were killed by [...]

2602, 2024

“Stress, Relationships & Tenure for Women in Law Enforcement”

February 26th, 2024|Categories: Women in Law Enforcement|Tags: |

A FREE Calibre Press Panel Discussion March is Women's History Month. In honor of this celebration, join three of Calibre Press's female instructors -- Deputy Chief Cyndy Velazquez (ret.), Chief Carole Presson and Capt. Michelle Tavarez--for a FREE, lively panel discussion on March 7, 10AM - Noon Central. Our impressive panel will focus on: • Historically inspiring women who blazed the often-difficult trail for all women in law enforcement.• Women who have [...]

1902, 2024

It’s time to rethink aerobic fitness training in law enforcement academies

February 19th, 2024|Categories: Academy, Fitness and Wellness|Tags: |

Conventional approaches don’t fully meet the needs of law enforcement trainees. By Jason Shea for We all want to ensure recruits have the edge they need to succeed in law enforcement academies, right? But let’s take a moment to ponder this. Could our conventional approach to aerobic training be falling a little flat? What if there was a better way? What if rethinking aerobic training in law enforcement could [...]

1902, 2024

Report: 77% say their interaction with police was a positive experience

February 19th, 2024|Categories: Survey|Tags: |

By Leonard Sipes Source: Law Enforcement Today Originally written for Crime in America. Republished with permission. It’s safe to say, based on polling data, that the great majority of the 54 million yearly police-citizen contacts, interactions were mostly positive which almost seems almost impossible considering the nature of the job. 85% say they were treated fairly, and 84% say they were treated with respect. With the overall use “or” [...]

1602, 2024

Five Law Enforcement Policy Trends for 2024

February 16th, 2024|Categories: Policies & Procedures|Tags: |

 From the Lexipol Team Due to legislative actions, court decisions and gradual shifts in best practices, terminology and technologies, law enforcement policy is in constant flux. At Lexipol, our subject matter experts are always on the lookout for new developments in federal and state statutes, regulations, case law and accreditation standards to keep our policies current and help protect agencies, officers and the communities they serve. In 2023, we analyzed over [...]

1602, 2024

No Qualified Immunity for Failure to Render Medical Care

February 16th, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol Thomas v. City of Harrisburg, 88 F.4th 275 (3rd Cir. 2023) A municipal police officer and a probation officer saw Terrelle Thomas, along with another man, leave a bar and get into a vehicle as passengers. The police officer conducted a traffic stop and noted Thomas “spoke to her as if he had ‘cotton mouth’ and a large amount of an unknown item inside his mouth.” [...]

1502, 2024

Public Comments Requested on the Proposed Extension of a Currently Approved Collection, Survey of Sexual Victimization

February 15th, 2024|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics|Tags: |

BJS encourages comments for 60 days through April 12, 2024, on the proposed extension, with change, of a currently approved collection, Survey of Sexual Victimization (SSV). Your comments on BJS’s request to the Office of Management and Budget, which is published in the Federal Register, should respond to one or more of the following: Evaluate whether the proposed collection is necessary, including whether the information will have practical utility Evaluate [...]

902, 2024

Operationalizing Proactive Community Engagement: A Framework for Police Organizations

February 9th, 2024|Categories: Community Partnerships|Tags: |

The COPS Office is pleased to release a new publication: Operationalizing Proactive Community Engagement: A Framework for Police Organizations This guide is intended to present police leaders with a framework for institutionalizing community engagement strategies to improve their personnel’s willingness to increase proactive, positive interactions with the community. It draws on the discussions from law enforcement focus groups at every rank from 14 police departments, sheriff’s offices, and state [...]

802, 2024

“Priority of Scan” – Feedback From the Field

February 8th, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

Reprinted from Calibre Press In last week’s Calibre Press newsletter, Instructor Kelly DeVoll discussed the critical importance of scanning while engaged with a subject. Kelly’s “priority of scan” sequence is hands, waist, face, head-to-toe. Numerous officers wrote in to share their own thoughts. Here’s what a few of them had to say… Sgt Erin Clewell with San Marcos (TX) PD wrote: Great article/topic and Kelly is a great trainer! I [...]

702, 2024

Does the Mobile Conveyance (Vehicle) Exception allow an engine search when passenger’s drugs are found during vehicle stop

February 7th, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

Seventh Circuit United States v. Hays, No. 22-3294 (7th Cir. 2023) In this case, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reviewed an appeal related to a Fourth Amendment issue involving a warrantless search of a vehicle. The defendant, Charles Hays, was stopped by the police while driving, for an equipment violation, and his passenger was found in possession of methamphetamine. The police officers then searched [...]

702, 2024

BJS releases updates to LEARCAT, the Law Enforcement Agency Reported Crime Analysis Tool

February 7th, 2024|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics|Tags: |

BJS updated its Law Enforcement Agency Reported Crime Analysis Tool (LEARCAT) with recently released 2022 crime data and refreshed 2021 data. LEARCAT provides access to incident-based data on crimes recorded by law enforcement using data from the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), as well as contextual information from other federal data sources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau. The tool includes crime incident and victimization information at the [...]

702, 2024

DEA Announces Settlement with Morris & Dickson Co., LLC

February 7th, 2024|Categories: Drug Enforcement Administration|Tags: |

The company admits to wrongdoing and agrees to pay first-ever administrative forfeiture for failure to report thousands of suspicious orders of opioids The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration announced today a settlement with pharmaceutical distributor Morris & Dickson Co., LLC for failing to maintain effective controls against diversion of controlled substances, including failure to report to DEA thousands of unusually large orders of oxycodone and hydrocodone. Morris & Dickson, which [...]

102, 2024

An Overview of Human Trafficking

February 1st, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

Overview What is human trafficking? Human trafficking, also known as “trafficking in persons,” is a crime that involves the exploitation of a person for compelled sex or labor. They may be compelled via force, fraud, or coercion, which may be subtle or overt, physical or psychological. However, under federal law, force, fraud or coercion does not need to be present in a situation of sex trafficking of minors under the [...]

102, 2024

Deputy’s Failure to Allow Time for Suspect to Comply Defeats Claim of Qualified Immunity

February 1st, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

After receiving a parking citation, Akeem Bagley encountered several deputies at a gas station. Bagley got into a heated exchange with one of the deputies, which Bagley started to record. When the deputies left the gas station, Bagley followed. After Bagley drove ahead, a deputy pulled him over and requested his driver's license. They briefly argued about the reason for the stop before Bagley complied with the request to [...]

102, 2024

“Priority of Scan” – An Officer Survival Necessity

February 1st, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

As Calibre Press Instructor Lt. Kelly DeVoll (ret.) points out in this week's article, considering repeated day-to-day activities as "simply routine" -- things like traffic stops or seemingly low-risk contacts with citizens -- runs the dangerous risk of sliding into complacency, which as we know, can be deadly. There are certain officer survival "routines" that can be live-saving, however. One of those is developing and constantly implementing a "priority [...]

2401, 2024

DEA Encourages Communities to Make Every Day Take Back Day

January 24th, 2024|Categories: Drug Enforcement Administration|Tags: |

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has launched a new campaign encouraging the public to make Every Day Take Back Day by utilizing year-round collection sites to dispose of unneeded and unwanted medications. For more than a decade, DEA has worked with state and local law enforcement partners to host National Prescription Drug Take Back Days each year to help Americans rid their homes of unneeded medications. The Take Back program has [...]

2401, 2024

Public Comments Requested on the Proposed Extension of a Previously Approved Collection Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) Program

January 24th, 2024|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Firearms|Tags: |

BJS encourages comments through March 18, 2024, on the Proposed Extension of of a previously approved collection Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) Program. Your comments on BJS’s request to the Office of Management and Budget, which is published in the Federal Register, should respond to one or more of the following: Evaluate whether the proposed collection is necessary, including whether the information will have practical utility Evaluate the accuracy of [...]

2401, 2024

Pre-Contact Assessments & the 10 Laws Of Defensive Tactics

January 24th, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

Here are 10 key officer survival tenets to remember, shared by longtime trainer and prominent use-of-force expert Dr. Ron Martinelli, that will help officers maintain their tactical edge when directly contacting potentially dangerous subjects...and before. "While several are just common sense," says Ron, "all can save your life." By Ron Martinelli, Ph.D. for ========== Editor’s note: In an article shared with Street Survival Seminar attendees, longtime trainer and use-of-force expert Dr. [...]

1801, 2024

The Last Man or Woman Standing: Training Until The Lights Go Out…or Come On!

January 18th, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

By Lance J. LoRusso, Esq. for Calibre Press ========== In every training class, we see varying levels of abilities. Some folks are able to grasp the concepts of defensive tactics, vehicle operations or firearms immediately while others require additional assistance, guidance and instruction. Likewise, a constitutional law class may cause some students to pull their hair out while others are fascinated and motivated to excel. While these differences are [...]

1701, 2024

Federal judge: Banning people from carrying firearms in a post office violates 2nd Amendment

January 17th, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

By Jenna Curren for Law Enforcement Today On Friday, January 12th, U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled that a United States law prohibiting people from possessing firearms while inside of a post office goes against their constitutional rights. According to Fox News, Judge Mizelle, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, cited a 2022 landmark United States Supreme Court decision that expanded gun rights when she dismissed part of [...]

1001, 2024

National Institute of Justice Special Report Summarizes Findings from Mass Shooting Research

January 10th, 2024|Categories: National Institute of Justice|Tags: |

The Office of Justice Programs’ National Institute of Justice has published a special report presenting findings from NIJ-supported research on public mass shootings, including school mass shootings, since 2014 and identifying areas of needed research and recommendations for the future. Since 2014, NIJ has invested in numerous research projects to build basic knowledge and advance our understanding of public mass shootings, producing more than 60 research publications. The new [...]

1001, 2024

Act Seeks to Give FGG Grant Money to Non-homicide Cold Cases

January 10th, 2024|Categories: Cold Cases, Legislation|Tags: |

By Michelle Taylor, Editor-in-Chief of Forensic Magazine ">Shar Currently, under the Department of Justice’s 2019 interim policy for “Forensic Genetic Genealogical DNA Analysis and Searching,” DOJ funds are allowed to be used for forensic genetic genealogy testing of any unknown deceased persons who have been declared homicide victims. However, that leaves out an important portion of John and Jane Does. In some cases, a case of death is not [...]

1001, 2024

Missouri judiciary launches new court rules feature online

January 10th, 2024|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

As part of an ongoing effort to improve public access to court information through the Missouri Courts website, the judiciary has launched a new feature making the Supreme Court of Missouri rules and court operating rules available in a searchable, mobile-friendly, more accessible format. From the new Court Rules landing page launched this morning, the public now can search rules, view rules or search orders updating the rules all from one [...]

801, 2024

Bureau of Justice Statistics Jail Inmates in 2022 – Statistical Tables

January 8th, 2024|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Jails|Tags: |

Local jails held 4% more people in 2022 than in 2021 This report is the 36th in a series that began in 1982. It describes the number of persons held in local jails, jail incarceration rates, inmate demographics, conviction status and most serious offense, number of admissions to jail, jail capacity, inmate turnover rates, and staff employed in local jails. Photo by Grant Durr on Unsplash Author Zhen Zeng, PhD, BJS Statistician [...]

801, 2024

A Picture of Crime in 2022 from National Crime Victimization Survey

January 8th, 2024|Categories: Crime Victims|Tags: |

The National Crime Victimization Survey and National Incident-Based Reporting System: A complementary picture of crime in 2022 Author(s) Rachel E. Morgan, PhD, BJS Statistician; Erica L. Smith, BJS Statistician NCVS and NIBRS Comparisons Description The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) measure a set of criminal offenses that overlap but are not identical, which leads to differences in estimates between the two data sources. The NCVS [...]

801, 2024

Milestone Journey: The Officer Transition to Civilian Life

January 8th, 2024|Categories: Safety|Tags: |

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund invites you to watch a panel discussion that will provide law enforcement officers with important information for a successful transition from their professional life to life as a civilian. This program will bring together experts in financial, spiritual, psychological, and physical wellness to discuss all that an officer needs to know to best prepare for their retirement. Date And Time Jan 31, [...]

301, 2024

Ticket for horn honking on Supreme Court docket reveals the far reach of police discretion

January 3rd, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

Discretion requires officers to think ahead to possible, unintended consequences. Are we adequately training officers in the valor of its use? By Val Van Brocklin For “Discretion is the better part of valor,” is a slight misquote of a line from Shakespeare’s Henry IV. If you want a full rundown of the Bard’s nuance, you can find it here. The phrase is modernly used to mean it is better to be [...]

301, 2024

Incident analysis: Tactical decision-making during a rapidly evolving officer-involved shooting

January 3rd, 2024|Categories: Training|Tags: |

The actions of Officer Michael Tschida serve as a valuable case study for officers to learn from and adapt their response strategies in similar high-risk situations By Duane Wolfe On December 5, 2023, the St. Paul (Minn.) Police Department received a report of a man in a car, later identified as Brandon Keys, 24, who was following a woman in her car who had an order for protection against [...]

301, 2024

New Scientific Methods for Analyzing Criminal Careers

January 3rd, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Researchers at the Complexity Science Hub have examined 1.2 million criminal incidents and developed an innovative method to identify patterns in criminal careers. When it comes to preventing future crimes, it is essential to understand how past criminal behavior relates to future offenses. One key question is whether criminals tend to specialize in specific types of crimes or exhibit a generalist approach by engaging in a variety of illegal [...]

2012, 2023

First Responder Grief During the Holidays

December 20th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health|Tags: |

The holidays can be emotionally challenging for many first responders. Maybe you? Here is some excellent advice for helping yourself or others navigate through the difficulties the holiday season can present. From Calibre Press ~ The following was submitted to us by Chief Sam DiGiovanna, a 40-year fire service veteran who follows Calibre Press. Sam felt this might be of interest to all of you. “Not quite your typical [...]

1412, 2023

U.S. Sentencing Commission Seeks Comments

December 14th, 2023|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

U.S. Sentencing Commission Seeks Comment on Proposals Addressing the Impact of Acquitted Conduct, Youthful Convictions, and Other Issues Today the U.S. Sentencing Commission voted to seek comment on several proposals that would, among other things, limit the federal courts’ consideration of acquitted conduct and youthful convictions under the federal sentencing guidelines. The bipartisan Commission voted today to publish for public comment several options to address the use of acquitted conduct [...]

1112, 2023

Is the Graham Standard in Play if Officers are Charged Criminally?

December 11th, 2023|Categories: Courts, Training|Tags: |

By Jim Glennon for Calibre Press The Event On August 15th, Sacramento police officers responded to a man with a large knife on a light rail train at the City College Station. The police cleared the car of all but the man, who was obviously agitated. After the officers began talking to him, he displayed a large knife, at one point putting it to his neck as he sat. [...]

1112, 2023

What Are the Biggest Challenges to Law Enforcement? Cops Weigh In

December 11th, 2023|Categories: Recruitment, Survey, Training|Tags: |

Reprinted from Calibre Press Last week, guest columnist and longtime law enforcement writer Barbara Schwartz shared insights from current and retired officers on what they felt was the biggest challenge to the police profession. The responses she shared in her article State of the Troops were varied and elicited additional comments from our readers. Here are a few: Lt. Jeremiah Larson with the Inspections, Training, and Personnel Division at the El [...]

3011, 2023

Demographic Differences in Federal Sentencing – Problem Solving Courts

November 30th, 2023|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

This report uses new analytical techniques and newly available data to determine if the demographic differences in sentencing observed in prior reports continued to persist during the latest five-year study period. Introduction In August 2023, the United States Sentencing Commission identified as one of its final priorities "the “[c]ompilation and dissemination of information on court-sponsored programs relating to diversion, alternatives-to-incarceration, and reentry (e.g., Pretrial Opportunity Program, Conviction And Sentence Alternatives [...]

3011, 2023

Tire Deflation Devices: Risk Versus Reward

November 30th, 2023|Categories: Line of Duty Deaths, Traffic Safety|Tags: |

A 10-Year Examination of Law Enforcement Fatalities  The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is proud to announce that our research paper on tire deflation devices, or TDDs, is out now. This timely report is available on our website and dives into the instances where these devices have been deployed that caused injury or death to the officer. In addition to the analysis, we have provided a reference sheet [...]

3011, 2023

Should College Degrees Be Required to Be a Cop? Cops Respond

November 30th, 2023|Categories: Education|Tags: |

By Jim Glennon for Calibre Press Last week I wrote a column titled, A College Degree Proves What? Police Agencies Should Rethink the Necessity of College Degrees for Applicants. I intended to spark some discussion, and, well, it certainly did. We received emails, comments, personal stories and opinions. Admittedly, I was shocked that virtually all of the comments and emails agreed with my premise. A couple of emails did point out [...]

3011, 2023

Stress in Corrections: The “Career Buster”

November 30th, 2023|Categories: Fitness and Wellness, Jails, Mental Health|Tags: |

Thursday, December 7, 2023 | Noon Central [60 minutes] Register Now Corrections is one of the most stressful professions today. Both sworn and non-sworn corrections professionals frequently manage offenders who often try to circumvent authority, are difficult to manage and resist rehabilitation efforts. This, in addition to short staffing and the lack of respect from many who don’t understand corrections work, results in high levels of stress. If left [...]

1611, 2023

Qualified immunity for fatal shooting involving a vehicle as a weapon

November 16th, 2023|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

By Ken Wallentine for Law Enforcement and the Law The appellate court began its analysis by noting that a charging vehicle can be a deadly weapon This article was featured in Lexipol's Xiphos newsletter, a monthly legal-focused law enforcement newsletter authored by Ken Wallentine. Subscriptions are free for public safety officers, educators and public attorneys. Subscribe here! TOUSIS V. BILLIOT, 2023 WL 6860926 (7TH CIR. 2023) DEA agents suspected Gus Tousis of drug [...]

1411, 2023

October 2023 Take Back Day Results

November 14th, 2023|Categories: Drug Enforcement Administration|Tags: |

This fall, DEA and law enforcement partners collected 599,897 pounds (300 tons) of unneeded medications across 4,955 collection sites. Since 2010, DEA, along with its partners, has collected 17,300,454 pounds (8,650 tons) of unneeded prescription drugs. Total Law Enforcement Participation: 4383 Total Collection Sites: 4675 Total Weight Collected:  599,897 lbs. (300 tons) Total Weight All Time: 17,900,351 lbs. (8,950 tons) The drug overdose epidemic in the United States is a clear and present public health, public safety, and national [...]

711, 2023

New report presents data on background checks for firearm transfers and permits

November 7th, 2023|Categories: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Firearms|Tags: |

Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2019–2020 NCJ Number 306971 Author(s) Connor Brooks, BJS Statistician Date Published November 2023 Background Checks for Firearm Transfers Description This report is the 18th in a series produced by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. It details the number of applications for background checks for firearm transfers and permits received by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and state and local checking agencies. It also [...]

611, 2023

Deploying self-determination theory as a police leadership practice

November 6th, 2023|Categories: Leadership|Tags: |

This philosophy can enhance morale, motivation and performance while fostering trust and cooperation. By Gene Reid, Ph.D. for In the dynamic and often high-stress world of law enforcement, effective leadership is crucial for maintaining order, ensuring public safety, and building strong, resilient teams. With the seemingly endless array of leadership books, articles and concepts being preached to police leaders, mastering the art of leadership can seem like a [...]

611, 2023

Who controls the rental car?

November 6th, 2023|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

The lesson of both this case and the Byrd decision is that officers should ask any suspect who is not named in the contract about their control and authority to operate the car. By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol   UNITED STATES V. MONTALVO-FLORES, 2023 WL 5521062 (3RD CIR. 2023)   Officers arrested Christopher Montalvo-Flores in a hotel room pursuant to an arrest warrant for a robbery. The officers found car keys during the [...]

111, 2023

Police Not Liable for Damage from Armored Vehicles, Explosives and Gas

November 1st, 2023|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol Baker v. City of McKinney, 2023 WL 6619477 (5th Cir. 2023) Police were looking for Wesley Little, who was on the run with a 15-year-old girl. Little had successfully evaded police on a wild chase behind the wheel of a fast Corvette. He drove to Vicki Baker’s home and knocked on the door. Deanna Cook, Baker’s adult daughter, recognized Little; she had seen a Facebook post alerting [...]

111, 2023

Qualified Immunity for Fatal Shooting Involving a Vehicle as a Weapon

November 1st, 2023|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol Tousis v. Billiot, 2023 WL 6860926 (7th Cir. 2023) DEA agents suspected Gus Tousis of drug trafficking. An agent obtained a warrant to place a tracking device on Tousis’ car. The tracker transmitted the location of the car and the speed at which it was traveling. Agents believed Tousis was dealing with Vernon Turner, a source in the Aurora, Illinois, area, and that Tousis would be going [...]

3110, 2023

Office of Justice Internet Safety Program

October 31st, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Every year, crimes committed online result in significant financial losses for businesses and individuals of all ages and backgrounds. In 2022, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center received 800,944 complaints of crimes committed online, a 5 % decrease from the 847,376 complaints reported in 2021. However, the potential total losses reported increased from $6.9 billion in 2021 to more than $10.2 billion in 2022. Recognized since 2004, October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month—a [...]

2610, 2023

The impact of sextortion on a family, community and small-town police department

October 26th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

The parents of James Woods, 17, are on a mission to shine a light on the events leading up to the death of their only child by suicide and what happened after. By Nancy Perry, Editor Within 19 and a half hours of being targeted by online predators, 17-year-old James Woods died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Unfortunately, James’ story is not an isolated incident. That is the [...]

2010, 2023

How to fund a law enforcement childcare center

October 20th, 2023|Categories: Family Life|Tags: |

The San Diego Police Officers Association and the National Law Enforcement Foundation share lessons learned from building the nation's first law enforcement only childcare center. Colorado, Idaho and Missouri are actively creating law enforcement childcare funding opportunities through state grant programs.  By Greg Friese, MS, NRP - Editorial director for The San Diego Police Department became the first department in the nation to announce a childcare center for [...]

1810, 2023

Living Long Enough to Enjoy Retirement: Beyond Recruitment & Retention

October 18th, 2023|Categories: Fitness and Wellness, Mental Health, Retirement|Tags: |

By Chief Michael Gabrielson, Loveland (OH) PD for Calibre Press Law enforcement agencies across the country are struggling to keep pace with attrition and to fill the vacancies we all have with the best candidates we can find. There are many theories as to the cause of this struggle and I am sure each of us has their own take on why we’re facing the staffing challenges we are. [...]

1510, 2023

Working Dog Magazine: Water and Your Dog

October 15th, 2023|Categories: K-9|Tags: |

By Eukanuba Pro Staff for How much water should your dog drink? Drinking water is important for everyone, and it’s especially important for dogs. Water supports all body systems, helps maintain temperature, improves absorption of nutrition and many other things. But is there a particular amount of water your dog should drink? In fact, there is. Why water is so important for dogs. Russ Kelley, the Science Lead Nutritionist [...]

1510, 2023

Supreme Court to consider right to counsel at initial hearings

October 15th, 2023|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

Missouri Supreme Court building (Karen Elshout/file photo) By Scott Lauck for The Missouri Supreme Court is preparing to determine whether indigent defendants have a right to a lawyer at the earliest stage of their criminal cases. On Sept. 26, the high court accepted two cases addressing whether arraignments and initial bond hearings are “critical stages” that require defendants to have assistance of counsel. Citing those transfers, the Court of [...]

1510, 2023

Understanding cardiovascular risks to first responders

October 15th, 2023|Categories: Fitness and Wellness|Tags: |

Because we know how high the risk is for first responders, we must be diligent in detecting and preventing cardiac disease. By Lexipol's Content Development Staff for Cardiac disease. Heart attacks. Plaque build-up. These terms are probably familiar to you as cardiovascular health issues have almost certainly had a direct impact on you or someone you know. But these problems are largely preventable. If we increase our understanding [...]

210, 2023

Heavy fanny pack, oddly carried, justified frisk

October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Courts|Tags: |

This case encourages officers to accurately and painstakingly report all factors relied upon to conclude there was reasonable suspicion to detain and reasonable suspicion to frisk By Ken Wallentine for UNITED STATES V. HAGOOD, 2023 WL 5597832 (2ND CIR. 2023) Two uniformed officers patrolling in an unmarked police car drove through a high-crime area associated with gang-related criminal activity including shootings, homicides, assaults and robberies. The officers saw Michael Hagood [...]

210, 2023

Are you mentally ready for retirement?

October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Retirement|

By Stephanie Conn for American Police Beat If you had to retire tomorrow, would you be ready? With the recent civil unrest and the anti-police climate in some cities, some officers are saying they’d be thrilled to get out of it. I don’t know that I fully believe them though. I’ve known cops to say they’re done only to wish they had something to go to when they pulled the plug. [...]

210, 2023

The 32nd floor: An officer recounts responding to the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooter

October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Active Threat Response, Mental Health|

An officer recounts responding to the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooter – and shares why we must focus as much on emotional trauma as we do active shooter response tactics By Joshua Bitsko for The smell of gunpowder was still heavy in the air. I could feel a cool wind coming from the room, which was unusual for Vegas in early October as it is typically still warm. [...]

2809, 2023

Addressing the debate over sending mental health professionals out on police calls

September 28th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health|

Dr. Laurence Miller Practical Police Psychology for A premature rush to routinely dispatch psychologists and social workers to the scene of potentially lethal police-citizen encounters may be a matter of misapplied good intentions Question: In response to several recent cases of mentally ill citizens being shot by police, some authorities are recommending sending mental health professionals out on police calls as alternative or co-responders to deal with these situations. [...]

2809, 2023

Working Dog Magazine – Equipment: Dog Boots

September 28th, 2023|Categories: K-9|

Article by Simon Lissa  for Working Dog Magazine For dogs, there is no worse injury than one to their paws. Dogs are constantly active, and paw injuries can take a long time to heal because they continue to walk on their feet, despite the pain, and re-injure themselves or slow down healing. The best approach here is prevention and dog boots have proven to be, by far, the best way [...]

2809, 2023

Reframing De-escalation

September 28th, 2023|Categories: Crisis Intervention|

By Dr. Joel F. Shults for Calibre Press | Despite the notion among police critics that things always get worse when the cops show up, police officers are generally quite competent and experienced in getting situations stabilized and calmer. Unrealistic expectations result in the persistent question and critique – “Why didn’t they de-escalate?” The answer to that question consists of two factors: time and distance. Time is an [...]

2309, 2023

8 habit tips to bridge to your overall health goals

September 23rd, 2023|Categories: Fitness and Wellness|

Shift your mindset and identity to achieve and maintain your objectives By Greg Friese, MS, NRP for We should all strive to sleep more and better, eat less and better, and exercise more often. Reasonable goals for overall health might include: Sleep at least 7 hours per night Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day Lose 20 pounds Reaching those goals requires stopping bad [...]

2109, 2023

‘The body does keep score.’ Powerful Feedback From a Calibre Newsletter Reader

September 21st, 2023|Categories: Mental Health, Stress Management|

From Calibre Press Barbara Schwartz’s recent article, Take Notice of an Officer’s Pain, resonated powerfully with Calibre Press newsletter readers. One in particular, Gerry Walker, a U.S. Army veteran, a former police officer and a current federal law enforcement officer, sent us the following response, one we felt was important to share. Gerry wrote: I read the article, Take Notice of an Officer’s Pain, and I agree that it’s relevant and worthwhile. I [...]

2109, 2023

Preliminary 2022 statistics from annual prison and jail data collections now available

September 21st, 2023|Categories: Jails, US Department of Justice|

BJS published Prisons Report Series: Preliminary Data Release and Jails Report Series: Preliminary Data Release through a new, interactive web product. These online releases provide preliminary 2022 statistics on key items from BJS’s annual prison and jail data collections. The prison statistics include all prisoners under the jurisdiction of state and federal correctional authorities and those sentenced to more than 1 year under the same authorities from 2012 to 2022. The jail statistics [...]

1809, 2023

Take Notice of an Officer’s Pain

September 18th, 2023|Categories: Education, Mental Health, Stress Management|

By Barbara A. Schwartz for Calibre Press Calibre Press Editor’s note: September is suicide prevention month. With that, thank you to Barbara Schwartz for sharing the following important and timely article. You can make a difference in an officer’s life by noticing when they are hurting, struggling, or overwhelmed with what life has tossed in their path. Take a moment. Be your brother’s and sister’s keeper and notice how [...]

1809, 2023

New BJS and NCES report provides updated information on school crime and safety

September 18th, 2023|Categories: Crime Victims, Drug Abuse, Education, Schools, Violence|

A new publication, Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2022, provides official estimates on school crime and safety. It examines data on violent deaths and school shootings, nonfatal criminal victimization, bullying victimization, and teacher victimization. The report also presents statistics on discipline problems, gangs, hate-related speech, possession of weapons, and use and availability of illegal drugs, as well as data that reflect student perceptions about their personal safety [...]

1109, 2023

Could holographic officers improve safety and enhance trust?

September 11th, 2023|Categories: Technology|

The technology could transform interactions with the public and improve responses to dangerous situations Editor's Note ~ This article is based on research conducted as a part of the CA POST Command College. It is a futures study of a particular emerging issue of relevance to law enforcement. Its purpose is not to predict the future; rather, to project a variety of possible scenarios useful for planning and [...]

1109, 2023

Use your brain: Adding decision-making to your live-fire drills

September 11th, 2023|Categories: Training|

By Todd Fletcher for Police1.Com Instead of focusing on short-term performance gains, firearm instructors should focus on long-term retention of skills Law enforcement officers are required to do one thing extremely well on every call, traffic stop and public contact: make decisions. There isn’t a shift that goes by that doesn’t require officers to make good decisions. With this in mind, we are missing a great opportunity if we [...]

1109, 2023

Training with steel targets: What you don’t know can hurt you

September 11th, 2023|Categories: Training|

By Todd Fletcher for Police1.Com Combative Firearms Training Unpredictable bullet spatter can be dangerous for everyone on the range Most officers enjoy the satisfying ring of a successful hit on a steel target. Coupled with the visual feedback of seeing the steel plate move and the round splashing into the soft ground, it’s instant feedback indicating a job well done. Unfortunately, most of us have never been trained to [...]

709, 2023

“FAQs” Webinar: ARPA 2023 NG911 Funding Cycle

September 7th, 2023|Categories: Next Generation 911|

Missouri 911 Community Members, Last week, the Board announced the opening of the ARPA 2023 Next Generation 911 (NG911) Funding Cycle. A webinar for questions about the grant has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 19th at 9:00 AM. During this webinar, Board staff will address questions that have been asked since the opening of the grant round. If time allows, we will also allow the opportunity for additional questions. We ask [...]

709, 2023

Part 2 – Cops & Mental Illness Calls: Can We Break the Cycle?

September 7th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health|

By Nick Greco for Calibre Press Editor’s note: Last week, CIT Coordinator and law enforcement mental health expert Nick Greco discussed the frustrating issues cops face while responding to calls involving people in mental crisis. Lack of funding for treatment, mental health system follow-through and institutional capacity to handle an influx of mentally ill individuals results in a  seemingly endless cycle of repeat responses that taxes law enforcement personnel [...]

3008, 2023

Cops & Mental Illness Calls: Can We Break the Cycle?

August 30th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health|

By Nick Greco for Calibre Press Those who know me know that I like to study history. I’m not limited to books or Internet searches either. In fact, I do enjoy watching old television shows to glean some perspective of what life was like in the past. One such television show that I have recently gotten the bug to start watching is one that has been highly regarded as [...]

2808, 2023

How to fix police hiring today

August 28th, 2023|Categories: Recruitment|

These six steps have produced proven results – they can help you too. By Eric Tung for When I started in police work 15 years ago, every department in the area had vacancies. It was reportedly the largest number of vacancies we’d seen around here, with departments clamoring over a limited candidate pool. The baby boomer generation was retiring en masse, and many traditional candidates were deployed overseas [...]

2808, 2023

Managing your officers’ mental wellbeing in the aftermath of an officer-involved shooting

August 28th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health, Stress Management, Training|

Implement these steps to help ensure when your officers are asked how they are holding up after an OIS you’ll get an answer that’s better than “I’m okay." By Dr. Cherylynn Lee for My first deployment as a police psychologist was to a homicide scene. The page came out sometime around midnight. Deputies had the suspect contained at the scene, and patrol was attempting to establish communication as [...]

2508, 2023

Incident analysis: Hammer attack on Conn. detective offers lessons in responding to a close quarters attack

August 25th, 2023|Categories: Training|

Every officer should be trained in shooting from the ground on their back, side and front in every direction a threat can present itself By Duane Wolfe for A lone officer responds to a noise complaint and the report of the sounds of breaking glass on August 12 in Middletown, Connecticut. She arrives on scene and approaches a house. A male in front of the house is walking [...]

2408, 2023

Justice Department Announces $51.86 Million in Grant Awards to Support Victims of Sexual Assault

August 24th, 2023|Categories: Crime Victims, US Department of Justice|

The Justice Department today announced Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grant funding totaling $51,860,858 to provide victims of sexual assault with services in every state and the District of Columbia, as well as American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. This marks a significant increase of nearly 45% when compared to last year’s funding level. OVW Principal Deputy Director Allison Randall [...]

2408, 2023

Register for 2023 Nationwide Move for the Badge

August 24th, 2023|Categories: National Law Enforcement Memorial|

  Join us to support law enforcement REGISTER The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund’s Move for the Badge is a great way to show your support for law enforcement, get active, and have some fun. It is a flagship community event that raises critical funds needed for our mission to honor the fallen, tell the story of American law enforcement, and make it safer for those who serve, while also [...]

2108, 2023

Today – August 21 – is National Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day

August 21st, 2023|Categories: Drug Abuse, Drug Enforcement Administration|

DEA seized more than 58.3 million fentanyl-laced fake pills in 2022. The DEA Laboratory has found that of the fake pills analyzed, six out of ten now contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl. To spread the word of prevention and awareness, we have launched two initiatives to shine a light on this deadly epidemic. One Pill Can Kill is our campaign to provide informational resources to students, parents, and educators [...]

1808, 2023

Range drills for training on your own time

August 18th, 2023|Categories: Training|

If you commit to improvement, you can be a high-performance shooter From If you want to take your firearms skills to the next level, it’s time to make a plan and commit yourself to improve. Dedication and self-discipline are key to improvement, but you also need a roadmap to help guide you along the journey. A great place to start is with the Police1 30-day challenge to improve police [...]

1808, 2023

Handling citizen complaints in law enforcement

August 18th, 2023|Categories: Training|

From Complaints against our officers will never go away. However, don’t always perceive them negatively Ever receive a call from someone in your community, complaining about the service they received from an employee? Unfortunately, we can’t make everyone happy all the time. It’s just something we have to deal with. Comes with the territory. Most law enforcement professionals do an outstanding job each and every day. However, there [...]

1408, 2023

Watch: Officers review Chevy’s Blazer EV PPV, its first-ever electric pursuit vehicle

August 14th, 2023|Categories: Technology|

Police departments are purchasing electric vehicles at an increasing rate that will only continue to grow. Police1's digital edition, "Guide to Patrol Vehicle Electrification: The time has come for EV patrol vehicles," debunks the myths associated with electric vehicles and shares what you need to know to transition your fleet. Click here to download. By Sarah Calams for Police1 DETROIT — Has your department transitioned to an electric fleet yet? General Motors [...]

1208, 2023

Officers Conducted Valid Terry Stop Even Though Guns Were Drawn

August 12th, 2023|Categories: Courts|

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol United States v. Childers, 2023 WL 4568831 (8th Cir. 2023) Officers responded to a report of shots fired near a park in an isolated, wooded area along the Minnesota River on Black Dog Road. One caller reported that three males, two described as black and one as “lighter-skinned,” were shooting into the river. Another caller described the “white male” as in his late 20s [...]

1208, 2023

The impact of personality on performance

August 12th, 2023|Categories: Education, Leadership|

By Rex M. Scism for It’s helpful to know yourself and your peers well enough to detect significant changes that adversely impact on-the-job performance I spent nearly 15 years traveling the country while teaching supervision concepts to both public safety professionals and members of the private sector. One thing that resonates from those experiences and the discussions during training is the impact personality and stress have on human performance. It didn’t [...]

1208, 2023


August 12th, 2023|Categories: Jails, Training|

Pinellas County, FL Deputy Ian Rosado e-mailed us to share his opinion that the absolute best way to train for the risks and challenges of the street is to work in a correctional setting first. In our last Calibre Press newsletter we tossed this out to our readers and asked what they thought. Within minutes, the floodgates opened and comments started flowing in! Here’s what a random sample of Calibre Press readers had [...]

408, 2023

What do you do when someone offers you a bribe? Consider this

August 4th, 2023|Categories: Education|

Every time someone attempts to bribe an officer and is released without being charged accordingly, a golden opportunity is missed By Lt. Dan Marcou  for Blue Knights Has anyone ever tried to bribe you to avoid a citation or an arrest? Many officers would answer "yes." If the follow-up question is asked, "What did you do when it happened?" Officers will answer proudly, "I refused it!" It is [...]

208, 2023

Is Anyone Willing or Even Capable of Serving Anymore?

August 2nd, 2023|Categories: Recruitment|

By Jim Glennon A quote attributed to Plato, is as follows: “It does not matter if the cobblers and masons fail to do their jobs well, but if the guardians fail, the democracy will crumble.” The Guardians, our protectors, in the United States, are those who serve in the military and law enforcement professions. People we have needed and counted on since the country’s inception. From the lens of today, [...]

208, 2023

Operation Cross Country XIII Leads to Identification/Location of Adolescent Victims

August 2nd, 2023|Categories: Sex Trafficking, US Department of Justice|

Note: B-roll from Operation Cross Country XIII operations can be found/downloaded here: Operation Cross Country 2023 B-Roll  The FBI, working with its state and local partners, identified and located 200 victims of sex trafficking during a nationwide enforcement campaign called Operation Cross Country. The operation also led to identification or arrest of 126 suspects of child sexual exploitation and human trafficking offenses and 68 suspects of trafficking were identified or arrested. [...]

208, 2023

Smile For The Camera

August 2nd, 2023|Categories: Courts|

By Ken Wallentine for Lexipol United States v. Gaulden, 2023 WL 4541077 (5th Cir. 2023) YoungBoy Never Broke Again, or NBA YoungBoy, a convicted felon also known as Kentrell DeSean Gaulden, is a rapper whose company hired Marvin Ramsey to record Gaulden’s activities on video for promotional use and use in Gaulden’s music videos. A 911 caller reported several men with “Uzis” and other guns walking down a [...]

3107, 2023

Missouri First Responder Stress Training

July 31st, 2023|Categories: Stress Management|

In 2022, the Missouri Department of Public Safety launched a training program to teach first responders - law enforcement, fire service, EMS, and dispatchers - how to identify and deal with the stress that can come with their jobs. Free classes are offered several times a year in Jefferson City, Columbia, Springfield, Joplin, Cape Girardeau, St. Louis, Kansas City, and more! The Missouri training schedule can be found HERE Here's an [...]

3107, 2023

Community Corrections

July 31st, 2023|Categories: Courts, Reducing Recidivism|

Overview Community corrections programs—also known as community supervision programs—oversee most adults under correctional supervision through probation or parole in the United States. Agencies or courts with the legal authority to enforce sanctions administer these programs. Transitioning back into the community following a period of incarceration can be challenging for reasons ranging from substance use to lack of employment options. Rehabilitation and reentry support are key components of community corrections [...]

3107, 2023

2nd Quarter NHTSA Webinar

July 31st, 2023|Categories: Traffic Safety|

During this quarterly installment of the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) webinars, Captain Peter Cimbal from the Chesterfield County (VA) Police Department presented on his agency’s officer traffic safety program. He then described the steps his department had taken to reduce vehicle crashes, struck-by crashes and to keep his officers safe on the roadways. Then, Nick Breul from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund presented the most [...]

1907, 2023

Nation Crime Victims’ Service Award Nomination Period is Now Open

July 19th, 2023|Categories: Awards, Community Partnerships|

The 2024 National Crime Victims' Service Awards nomination period is now open. These prestigious awards recognize individuals, organizations, teams, and programs that demonstrate outstanding achievements or extraordinary acts in support of victims and survivors and in expanding access to justice across all communities. About the Awards OVC recognizes individuals and organizations that demonstrate outstanding service in supporting victims and victim services at the National Crime Victims' Service Awards Ceremony. [...]

1907, 2023

Community Partnership Award Nomination Period Closes In Two Weeks

July 19th, 2023|Categories: Community Partnerships|

The L. Anthony Sutin Award for Innovative Law Enforcement and Community Partnerships recognizes the efforts of innovative and sustained law enforcement and community partnerships whose unique collaborations have transformed public safety in their communities. This award is bestowed on partnerships in which law enforcement is actively engaged with the community in a multifaceted manner that has been sustained over time and has resulted in positive, observable outcomes or advances in public [...]

1507, 2023

Final Aryan Circle Gang Member from Missouri Sentenced for RICO Conspiracy

July 15th, 2023|Categories: US Department of Justice|

From the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs A Missouri man was sentenced today to 20 years in prison for racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations (RICO) charges stemming from his membership in the Aryan Circle (AC), a white supremacy prison gang. According to court documents, Timothy Long, aka Timmy, of Mountain Grove, was a member of the AC, a violent, race-based, and prison-based gang with hundreds of [...]

1107, 2023

Cooperation Between United States and Mexican Law Enforcement Leads to Significant Actions Against Transnational Drug Trafficking Organization

July 11th, 2023|Categories: US Department of Justice|

U.S. and Mexican law enforcement announced significant enforcement actions against a prolific transnational drug trafficking organization operating in Nogales, Sonora, along the U.S.-Mexico border. After extensive bilateral cooperation between the United States and Mexico, Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office, Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) – conducted a significant enforcement operation on June 23, 2023, to dismantle a prolific transnational drug trafficking organization operating in Nogales, Sonora, along the U.S.–Mexico border. The operation [...]

607, 2023

Kansas City Royals Law Enforcement Day at the “K”

July 6th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Join the Kansas City Royals and come support the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund as we celebrate and honor the commitment of law enforcement, first responders and public safety personnel. The Kansas City Royals take on the Tampa Bay Rays on Friday July 14, 2023. This offer is open to all law enforcement, public safety, first responders, security personnel, family, friends and the general public. Its going to be a [...]

607, 2023

Bear Spray to the Face: Why one Constable is glad he was sprayed with OC

July 6th, 2023|Categories: Training|

Editor’s note: The Calibre Press article OC Exposure During Training: A Survival Must? sparked considerable discussion among officers around the country who questioned whether requiring officers to be sprayed with OC was important. In a follow-up piece we shared some of their thoughts. Other LE outlets, like our friends at, also received feedback on the issue as discussion spread. Here’s one insightful response they received. By Lt. Dan Marcou for Calibre Press After being [...]

607, 2023

The Parkland Deputy’s Verdict: “Could That Have Been Me?”

July 6th, 2023|Categories: Active Threat Response, Training|

By Dr. Joel F. Shults for Calibre Press When someone shares some unfortunate occurrence in their life with me, sometimes—if the moment is one where a little levity will be a balm—I will say, “It could have been worse. It could have been me!” Former Broward CO. Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson, the School Resource Officer on duty when a mass shooting erupted at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School [...]

2306, 2023

Justice Department Releases New Tool to Manage Substance Withdrawals in Jails

June 23rd, 2023|Categories: Jails|

The Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), one of six program offices within the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), and the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) today announced the release of Guidelines for Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jails: A Tool for Local Government Officials, Jail Administrators, Correctional Officers and Health Care Professionals. This groundbreaking document supports the department’s commitment to increasing access to evidence-based treatment for individuals with [...]

2106, 2023

Tips on how law enforcement officers can protect their privacy online

June 21st, 2023|Categories: Technology|

While you can't become completely invisible online, you should strive to become a challenging target; here's why taking these steps is a worthwhile investment Content provided by By Pete James for Free sources on the internet can give anyone access to a law enforcement officer's name, home address, email address, phone number, birthday and even the names of family members. Taking back your online privacy is critical. (Photo/Getty [...]

2106, 2023

Jacket tossed onto (not into) a garbage can was not abandoned

June 21st, 2023|Categories: Courts, Training|

By Ken Wallentine for Law Enforcement and the Law Police conducted a warrantless search of the suspect’s property; the question before the court: Was the property abandoned? Jun 13, 2023 This article was featured in Lexipol's Xiphos newsletter, a monthly legal-focused law enforcement newsletter authored by Ken Wallentine. Subscriptions are free for public safety officers, educators and public attorneys. Subscribe here! UNITED STATES V. RAMIREZ, 2023 WL 3336423 (5th Cir. 2023) [...]

2106, 2023

Elder Abuse – What Can Law Enforcement Do?

June 21st, 2023|Categories: Training|

Elder abuse is a significant threat to the health and well-being of older adults worldwide. Defined as an intentional or negligent act that causes harm or serious risk of harm to an older adult, elder abuse can include physical, psychological, and sexual abuse; financial exploitation; and neglect and abandonment. Every year, June 15 is recognized as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, an opportunity for communities to raise awareness about elder abuse, neglect, [...]

706, 2023

Defeating the Blur: Rethinking Traditional Police Training to Close Quarter Spontaneous Attacks

June 7th, 2023|Categories: Training|

By Chris Butler and Dan Fraser for Calibre Press No Crystal Ball If you knew you were going to be suddenly ambushed and assaulted by an assailant at extreme close quarters on your next shift, how would you prepare for it? You’d probably have a lot of questions about who your opponent is and how they plan to attack you. You would want to know the pre-assaultive cues they [...]

706, 2023

What law enforcement can learn from averted acts of school violence

June 7th, 2023|Categories: Active Threat Response, Education, Schools|

Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. for While much attention is given to responding to attacks in progress, increased research provides hope for earlier intervention and prevention of school violence. Editor's Note: This feature is part of Police1's Digital Edition, "Prevention, disruption & response: The strategies communities must deploy to stop school shootings." Click here to download. It is on the mind of every parent, every teacher and [...]

706, 2023

Missouri 911 Service Board Financial Assistance Program Notice of Grant Opportunity – ARPA 2023 NG911 Funding Cycle

June 7th, 2023|Categories: Next Generation 911, Technology|

The State of Missouri established the Missouri 911 Service Trust Fund to improve 911 services, especially in the most underserved areas. The Missouri 911 Service Board is charged with establishing and administering a financial assistance program that provides grants from the Fund to help finance 911 communications service projects. Grants can be awarded to approved projects. Awards will be capped at $250,000 per jurisdiction. Multi-jurisdictional projects will not have [...]

2305, 2023
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If your agency isn’t using road flares to protect officers, it should be

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: Traffic Safety, Training|

The data speaks for itself By Ptl. Joseph Fink, MBA for Police1.comMany areas across the United States have move-over laws. Many motorists ignore them. This puts officers at an increased risk when conducting roadside stops and investigations.My own agency in Ohio has had several cruisers struck by drivers who failed move over and slow down. We tried to become more visible and reduce crashes by making overhead lights all blue [...]

2205, 2023

Bystanders: One key to preventing school violence

May 22nd, 2023|Categories: Training|

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. for Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash The focus of a new Secret Service report is how to improve the willingness of students and others to report concerning behavior Register now for an upcoming webinar on June 6 on "Building safer schools: How law enforcement and educators can develop effective threat assessment teams to stop school violence." “To ensure the academic success and [...]

2205, 2023

Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women Announces National Protocol for Intimate Partner Violence Medical Forensic Examinations

May 22nd, 2023|Categories: Training|

The Justice Department’s today announced the release of the National Protocol for Intimate Partner Violence Medical Forensic Examinations. The protocol will guide the clinical practice of conducting comprehensive assessments for patients experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) that prioritize the patient’s health and well-being. Acting Director Allison Randall of the Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women made the announcement at the 2023 Conference on Crimes Against Women in Dallas. [...]

1605, 2023

Why focused training on one-handed shooting drills is crucial to officer survival

May 16th, 2023|Categories: Training|

Article by Todd Fletcher for Police1 - On March 7, 2003, Ukiah (California) Police Department Sgt. Marcus Young volunteered to work an extra shift to cover a patrol team that would otherwise be short-staffed. He was accompanied by Julian Covella, then a 17-year-old high school student and a police cadet. They were dispatched to the local Walmart where store employees had detained an 18-year-old shoplifter. After taking the [...]

1605, 2023

Drug Court Overview from the Department of Justice

May 16th, 2023|Categories: Training|

What Is a Drug Court? Drug court programs are specialized court docket programs that allow individuals to enter long-term drug treatment and agree to court supervision rather than receive a jail sentence. Drug court participants who complete the program can have their underlying criminal offenses dismissed or expunged. However, if a participant fails to complete the program, their case is processed through the traditional justice system. Types of Drug Courts [...]

905, 2023

DEA Recognizes National Fentanyl Awareness Day

May 9th, 2023|Categories: Training|

WASHINGTON – DEA is proud to join “Song for Charlie” and many of our valued law enforcement, public health, and non-profit partners in recognizing National Fentanyl Awareness Day. Tomorrow represents an important opportunity to remember the victims of fentanyl poisoning and educate people in our communities about the deadly threat that fentanyl poses to the national security, health, and safety of the American people. One year ago, on the [...]

305, 2023

When it comes to firearms training, it’s all about the skills, not the drills

May 3rd, 2023|Categories: Training|

By Leon Reha for If you’re planning your own training or delivering training to others, consider this question: Are you focused on drills or skills? If you don’t know the answer to the question, you’re not alone. This common occurrence is a significant problem. Most law enforcement training programs are designed with a drill as the product of the training. But doing the same drill repeatedly, in the [...]

305, 2023

Front-Line Advice from a Chief Who Responded to the Parkland Massacre

May 3rd, 2023|Categories: Active Threat Response, Training|

By Chief Tony Pustizzi (ret.), Coral Spring (FL) PD Reprinted with permission from Calibre Press EDITOR’S NOTE: On the heels of the Nashville school shooting and the similar tragedies we’ve seen, active threat response has remained a pivotal topic in discussions on training, policy, leadership and individual officer performance. Chief Tony Pustizzi oversaw the Coral Springs, FL PD at the time of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre in [...]

2004, 2023

First group graduates from Jail Officer Academy

April 20th, 2023|Categories: Academy, Education, Training|

We are so excited as this has been a long time in the making. On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, the Sheriffs' Association graduated 12 from its first Jail Officer Academy held at the Pettis County Sheriff's Office in Sedalia. Class number 2 is underway at the Webster County Sheriff's Office with number 3 scheduled to begin April 28th at the Adair County Sheriff's Office. Graduates from this course can go [...]

1904, 2023

The changing landscape of electric vehicle adoption in law enforcement

April 19th, 2023|Categories: Education, Technology|

As automakers add electric options for their public safety customers, here is what you need to know for 2023 and beyond. This article originally appeared in the Police1 Digital Edition, "Police1 guide to patrol vehicle electrification." Download your copy here. By Chief (ret.) Michael Benson, MPA for We are going to look back to this year as the tipping point for electric vehicles in law enforcement. There are [...]

404, 2023

Boost your agency’s recruitment efforts using these 7 strategies

April 4th, 2023|Categories: Education, Recruitment|

Sponsored by The Metropolitan Police Department Story By Courtney Levin, Police1 BrandFocus Staff, Reprinted from Hardly a day goes by without a news story related to the difficulties police agencies are facing when recruiting new officers. Some departments are loosening their policies in an effort to attract more candidates while others are offering large signing bonuses to those willing to join their continuously shrinking ranks. While some of [...]

404, 2023

OC Exposure During Training: A Survival Must?

April 4th, 2023|Categories: Training|

Some trainers believe that if you’re not exposed to oleoresin capsicum during training, you’re being cheated out of a very valuable training experience. But some officers fight taking an OC hit as was the case with one southern officer who refused to be sprayed after claiming he feared possible long-term adverse effects of OC. He was subsequently fired. His chief, who along with the other members of the agency [...]

3003, 2023

Make No Mistakes

March 30th, 2023|Categories: Education|

By: Barbara A. Schwartz As a police officer, you cannot make a mistake. You cannot make a mistake in the performance of your duties. And if you do it will get captured on video, go viral, be the top story on the evening news, and you may be indicted, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Police officers are held to a different, and higher, standard than any other profession. In [...]

3003, 2023

ARPA Flex: How the New Provisions Affect Funding for Public Safety and Local Government

March 30th, 2023|Categories: Education|

March 8, 2023 | From the Lexipol Grant Services Team Since the first COVID-19 case was discovered in the United States in January 2020, the pandemic has inflicted a public health and economic crisis on municipalities across the nation. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocated funding to help with the crisis, including funds for public safety and local governments to: Fight the pandemic and support families and businesses struggling with its public health [...]

2701, 2023

New Report Highlights Patterns in Mass Attacks in Public Spaces

January 27th, 2023|Categories: Violence|

The 72-page report analyzed 173 incidents that resulted in three or more individuals injured or killed across public or semi-public spaces   Jan 25, 2023  |  By Ashley Silver, Police1 WASHINGTON — The U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) released Mass Attacks in Public Spaces: 2016-2020 this week, a report examining 173 incidents of targeted violence and highlighting commonalities among attackers. “NTAC’s exploration of each attacker’s background, motivation [...]

1601, 2023

Damar Hamlin and Justin McIntire: A Tale of Two Perspectives

January 16th, 2023|Categories: Education|

Damar Hamlin as a man, when looking at his life, presents an inspiring story on most every level. Justin McIntire, as a man, by all accounts, is himself, an inspiration. You know who Damar Hamlin is. He is a 24-year-old professional football player who suffered cardiac arrest on January 2, 2023, while doing his job, which is playing Safety for the Buffalo Bills. On a nationally televised Monday Night Football [...]

1601, 2023

Facebook Post Leads to Job Faceplant

January 16th, 2023|Categories: Education, Social Networks|

A citizen questions whether an officer who publicly criticizes the sheriff and his deputies could work effectively alongside them   Kirkland v. City of Maryville, 2022 WL 17413720 (6th Cir. 2022) Shaina Kirkland had an up-and-down performance history as a Maryville police officer. She joined the police department after leaving the local sheriff’s office following an undisclosed “incident” and an unsuccessful appeal to the sheriff. As a municipal officer, she [...]

1601, 2023

Supporting Law Enforcement and Prosecution of Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths

January 16th, 2023|Categories: Drug Abuse|

An Examination of Cuyahoga County’s Heroin Involved Death Investigation (HIDI) Protocol Combating drug trafficking and preventing overdose deaths is one of the primary objectives of the department’s 2022-2026 strategic plan.[1] In 2021, the United States recorded the highest number of deaths resulting from drug overdoses over a 12-month period. Synthetic opioids, including illicit fentanyl, were involved in 66-percent of these overdose deaths.[2] Cuyahoga County’s Medical Examiner’s Office developed the Heroin [...]

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